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DasGutYa t1_j1dp3jx wrote

Isn't this 'excessive time spent shutting out reality may be a sign of depression' but re-worded to be edgy?


Pufflekun t1_j1fl34j wrote

Depends on how they define "listening to music." Is being at a concert, or a party with a sound system, also "listening to music"?


OldMango t1_j1hd4en wrote

Yeah, and i suspect they're drawing wrong conclusions from that data point.

As in; correlation does not always equal causation, i.e. listening to music for hours on end is more likely one possible symptom of depression, and not causing depression directly.

(but i dunno, maybe one broods over radiohead for longer than is healthy and develops a depressive mood 🤷)


Shadharm t1_j1hok89 wrote

Or Linkin Park. "isolation", "defeat" and "escape" are reappearing themes in their old songs.

But, yes, it's not something that is new, but, listening to music for long periods could be other things, like Autism. Someone who is Autistic can listen to a song on loop for weeks as a way to soothe or block out painful noise.


Matchpik t1_j1jaabe wrote

Yes, it should be likened to "Too much time spent looking at anime may be a sign you are awkward and unpopular." 🤣