Submitted by AnotherMax2021 t3_ztgeem in headphones
AnotherMax2021 OP t1_j1e030h wrote
I’ve tried a lot of headphone stands but have been generally unhappy with them for one reason or another. I recently ordered/received this stand from Woo Audio and I’m really happy with it. My Focals fit the top curve very nicely and the overall build screams quality.
As for the headphones, I’m pretty late joining the Focal party, but they are some of my favorites. I use them mostly while I’m on the computer, listening to music, watching YouTube, and the occasional movie.
EpicTwiglet t1_j1egbwg wrote
$130 😂
AnotherMax2021 OP t1_j1ehtb0 wrote
price of a dinner date for two or cheap pair of headphones
Indifferent_Demon t1_j1er1tn wrote
FOOD! GIMME. Nice headphones btw. Which one is your fav?
AnotherMax2021 OP t1_j1et31k wrote
I like the Clear quite a bit more, but it’s not a fair comparison as the Celestee is a closed back headphone. That said, the Celestee sounds really good for when I need isolation.
Almost_Ascended t1_j1eu5w6 wrote
$100 is for the logo at the base. I remember the post about the $500 Abyss headphone stand and mentioned the same thing, lol.
JSoi t1_j1f7xds wrote
I bought the same stand in black ten years ago for 80€ or so, and it’s still like new. Compared to the headphones the stand is cheap, and lasts forever.
JL3001 t1_j1fhu5p wrote
Pricey, but a good stand. Sturdy and adjustable. I have one in black.
radrod69 t1_j1fvotq wrote
Or we just let people spend their own money how they want without being an ass about it.
EpicTwiglet t1_j1fz6ho wrote
I can’t say I’m not jealous! But that doesn’t make $130 not ridiculous.
pieman3141 t1_j1g5203 wrote
I have the black version. You can seriously kill someone with the thing.
No_Analysis6187 t1_j1g9hy2 wrote
You mean others are allowed to spend so much money on stupid things while Im struggling to buy a decent gear? Absurd!
CPOx t1_j1jhuh7 wrote
My only regret with my Woo stand is that I didn’t buy the double
[deleted] t1_j1dt43s wrote