Submitted by dadu1234 t3_10nfvtt in headphones
dadu1234 OP t1_j68h2ws wrote
it just arrived so i'm listening to it while writing this. the dual tuning is certainly interesting. the cable is okay, it has some memory to it but very very lightweight. when i put this on i don't feel like i am wearing anything.very very comfortable. it has no connection issue like the ie300 which is a big plus for something half the price of the ie300. this thing is so fun to listen to. overall very happy with it in my first impression.
edit: if you decide to swap out the tips, placing the tip for the second tuning option will be harder, the stock tips have something in it that hold the tip in place.
TheFrator t1_j68kkfx wrote
Do the tips have filters in them? I know the ie600 did and they altered the treble response. These look like the same tips so my money is on they do include filters.
pinkcunt123 t1_j68kkkt wrote
These look like a great deal. I don't trust Moondroop and the other budget options with all the paint bubbling, face plates falling off and channel imbalance issues. I have more trust in Sennheiser tbh. Maybe I am just biased.
Is the cable at all microphonic, when you wear it underneath your T-shirt, whilst moving? I have been looking for an IEM to use whilst walking the dog, so I'd appreciate your help :)
dadu1234 OP t1_j68kqgw wrote
yes they have filters on them
dadu1234 OP t1_j68o51o wrote
it has a microphonic effect on the cable. the top part of the cable that connects both iem has a very noticable micrpphonics effect bu the bottom part which is most likely underneath the shirt is not very noticable
pinkcunt123 t1_j68ocem wrote
Thanks, mate :)
TRX808 t1_j68qaep wrote
I was hoping this cable might make a good replacement for the IE300/600/900 cable but apparently it won't be releasing separately until spring or summer. Sucks to hear it still has some memory issues and microphonics.
TRX808 t1_j68qnr9 wrote
> edit: if you decide to swap out the tips, placing the tip for the second tuning option will be harder, the stock tips have something in it that hold the tip in place.
You can put some o-rings on the stem to keep eartips from sliding down to the other position. I've seen some people cut out the stems from other eartips and use that but o-rings are probably easier.
dadu1234 OP t1_j68qucv wrote
i'll take the microphonic everyday rather than the connection issue, which is still best of the worst. why can't sennheiser make a decent cable????
TRX808 t1_j68r2r4 wrote
All their IEM's that I know of have the filter foam stuff inside but I think it's easy to remove. The IE600 stock eartips are junk anyway.
TRX808 t1_j68rjse wrote
Luckily I've never had connection issues with the IE600 but the cable has microphonics and the ear hooks took a lot of bending to get them in a position I don't mind (still not great).
Tons of complaints on the HeadFi thread about the stock eartips and cable so it looked like they might fix things with the IE200, so it's unfortunate to hear they still couldn't get it right.
dadu1234 OP t1_j68rtwa wrote
the cable on the ie200 is paper thin.
rottedlobsters t1_j68sxex wrote
I got the 300 yesterday, and had connection issues until I reset the connection. Now it's fine, i may still swap them for the 200 though. I'm not sure yet.
Lord_Chit t1_j691jgl wrote
What tips would you recommend for the 600s then? Just got a pair in as I wanted to try them, curious how much of a difference aftermarket options would make.
Yodabytes1 t1_j694h9d wrote
How do they compare to the IE 300? I just bought the IE 300 because they are at a reduced price but im having the connection issue you described. I like the performance of the IE 300 and was just wondering if it was worth it to trade them for IE 200.
TRX808 t1_j694jxd wrote
This is a really helpful list, it's another rabbit hole to go down. It's most important they feel comfortable and seal well but you can tweak the tonality of the IEM a bit by tip rolling.
I use Final E tips because it tames the spicy treble a bit. Other than Final E, many people seem to like AZLA's (multiple models all a little different), Senn IE Pro tips, SpinFits (multiple models, W1 is the newest but may increase treble a bit), Spiral Dots, Spring Tips. The HeadFi IE600 thread has a lot of comments about different eartips.
You can get a lot of eartips off Ali Express for dirt cheap including popular brands if you don't mind the wait. Some like AZLA are expensive everywhere.
iWazzmatazz t1_j6960lm wrote
Are these compatible with any MMCX cable or still the ugly Fidelity+ MMCX?
dadu1234 OP t1_j696qz8 wrote
in my experience albeit limited, you won't lose significant performance if you get the 200 rather than the 300. I have both and the 200 is more fun and smooth than the 300. the 300 can sound muffled at times. vocal sounds clearer on the 200. the 200 is much closer to the harman curve, with a sennheiser treble.
dadu1234 OP t1_j698as6 wrote
the ugly one :)
Gamergtx_260 t1_j698rwh wrote
Are these with a standard mmcx connector? Also can you tell me what if your source?
Merppity t1_j699a8n wrote
My IE80 from 7 years ago, and every Sennheiser IEM I've owned since, had shit eartips, a mediocre cable, and proprietary connectors.
It's good they might be trying, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
kingdrew2007 t1_j69c08o wrote
How do these compare to the Z12
dadu1234 OP t1_j69ctvj wrote
my source is apple dongle, qudelix 5k, zorloo zuper dac pro, and the fiio K7. they use the recessed connector.
Gamergtx_260 t1_j69d3fl wrote
Thanks mate. I’m eyeing the ie 200s but scared of connector issues.
dadu1234 OP t1_j69hr9i wrote
they are competing for sure as they are in the same price bracket. I like the z12 but you can surely hear the planar metallic sound to it and the treble on the z12 is spicier than the ie200. I think sennheiser hit a sweet spot with this one, it can definitely compete with chi-fi iem in the same price bracket.
dadu1234 OP t1_j69ht2f wrote
so far no connector issue for me.
International_Drop90 t1_j69iut2 wrote
How do they compare to your Z12s? I have the S12 Pros, which are very similar to the Z12s.
dadu1234 OP t1_j69j2w6 wrote
they are competing for sure as they are in the same price bracket. I like the z12 but you can surely hear the planar metallic sound to it sometimes and the treble on the z12 is spicier than the ie200. I think sennheiser hit a sweet spot with this one, it can definitely compete with chi-fi iem in the same price bracket.
International_Drop90 t1_j69k6lj wrote
oh, i didn't see the other comment asking the same thing, sorry lol
but that's great to hear. enjoy!
MastiffMike t1_j69mg66 wrote
I have blue/red rings and use them to color code all my IEMs (because I'm lazy and can't be bothered to spend time determining which side goes into which ear).
I've never specifically used them to change the tuning, but I have done it to help with insertion depth (the ring keeps the tip from being pushed further on the nozzle, thus the tip seats further into the ear).
With a lot of my IEMs I put the rings such that they don't effect the tip's seating, but I may have to try this with my IE300's and see if I notice a change in sound. I just put a ring on and yes, it does work to change the seating position of the tip on the IE300's. The tip is held further out towards the end of the noozle and yet is still held in place by the retainer lip, so seems pretty darn secure (which might be an issue with some IEMs).
I haven't yet listened enough to compare the sound difference, but it's interesting that it's an option.
agastyaseth t1_j69mudd wrote
I just saw DMSs video on these. While I don’t trust his opinions that much, he seems to suggest that the tuning on these might be better than even the IE600 which was definitely high praise. @OP how do you compare these to your IE300? I already have the IE600, but I’m itching to get one out of curiosity….
dadu1234 OP t1_j69rq0p wrote
i don't know about the IE600 but i can say that it punches above the IE300 for sure, espescially considering the price for it. ironically i bought the IE300 (new) cheaper than the IE200.
dadu1234 OP t1_j69rsgr wrote
no problem.
COD_F1sh t1_j69un4x wrote
I like to use custom tips like spinfits and Final. Does changing the tips make the sound worse?
Cal_Lando t1_j69vnqs wrote
If you are going to buy a new cable anyway I would recommend just getting one off of AliX instead of waiting for Sennheiser to release a good one
dadu1234 OP t1_j69w7ci wrote
i got to say not really significant. i'd say just swap the tips out, i use the spinfits W1 myself.
ToanZodiac t1_j69wyp0 wrote
You can use ptfe tapes instead
COD_F1sh t1_j69x71k wrote
That's great to know. Never liked the stock tips on IE40 pro. But swapping them made the treble unbearable. Hope this isn't the case with the IE200.
dadu1234 OP t1_j6a1aur wrote
if you use smaller bore eartips it will help with the treble
discobeatnik t1_j6a53qr wrote
First I’m hearing of these. How is the bass ?
NeighborhoodTiny2315 t1_j6a5jdm wrote
Is this the iem/headphone with the best vocals out if your collection? I have the er2se and the 560s but I still want more resolution. I got the 7hz Timeless but felt that the instrumentals were placed in front of the vocalist which made the mids sound overshadowed and muted. Would you consider the ie200 to have the best midrange. Also how does the technical performance compare to the ie300 and z12?
dadu1234 OP t1_j6a6c8m wrote
bass good :)
dimesian t1_j6a7nqd wrote
Try a bunch of different tips, the sound and comfort will be different in every pair of ears. I try many tips over several weeks and eventually settle on one, JVC Spiral Dots, Comply foam and Sony triple comfort are my most used. Almost all of the most popular and easily obtainable tips fit the Sennheiser IEMs, the absence of that foam insert in the core doesn't seem to make a discernable difference.
dadu1234 OP t1_j6a7xx4 wrote
The Z12 have better vocals, but has a spicie treble. for technical performance, they are up to par, but for it's price the ie200 is better than the ie300. the ie200 and the z12 is really competing with each other. i really can't choose between the two, but for your money's worth, the z12 gives you much more. better cables and stock tips, the ie200 is very very lightweight and comfortable tho.
dimesian t1_j6a8786 wrote
That dual tuning thing seems like a bullshit feature that occured to someone while putting the tips on, like marketing an earphone as noise cancelling just because it plugs the ear.
CivilHedgehog2 t1_j6aae0u wrote
COD_F1sh t1_j6ae5k8 wrote
In the case of IE40 pro the tips have tuning filters/foam inside of them that act as dampeners. Anything except those ruin the sound doesn't matter the bore size.
Jensway t1_j6afdfj wrote
Case closed.
jdmassy52 t1_j6alwst wrote
I feel like removing the filters is a bad idea.. do you not worry about dust/wax/misc junk getting into the drivers and ruining the sound?
dadu1234 OP t1_j6amjdg wrote
has the same tips with the ie300 and also the ie600. it has a filter and foam filter too.
Tardyninja10 t1_j6arz4w wrote
im really curious too as how these souls compared to the ie600 since im still in the return window for the the ie600 and although i only paid ~$500 it doesnt seem to be worth $500 imo being that they are really similarish to my 6xx although they are the size of a penny and sound similarish to my 6xx which is mind blowing
Thisguy00003 t1_j6avoz6 wrote
Are they better than the IE 300?
dadu1234 OP t1_j6ax0zu wrote
it is competing for sure.
dadu1234 OP t1_j6axfn5 wrote
the ie200 has an excellent price to performance ratio. i can't say anything about the ie600 because i haven't listened to it. maybe somebody else that has both can help you. there's a mini review on GizAudio comparing the two, maybe it can help you form a decision. good luck!
edit: spelling
dadu1234 OP t1_j6axnar wrote
technically the ie300 has dual tuning too as it has similar nozzle design and you can move the tips outward too.
dimesian t1_j6azdwn wrote
I know, I think its a non feature.
Thisguy00003 t1_j6azpxw wrote
Yeah I was curious because of the big price difference
dadu1234 OP t1_j6azsrn wrote
i got my ie300 on sale cheaper than the ie200
BioniqReddit t1_j6b0gl2 wrote
Man, the Sennheiser stock tips are even worse than the S12? How's that possible?
discobeatnik t1_j6b3wu6 wrote
ty. I see it’s possible to change the bass amount depending on how you put the ear tip on. have you tried that, if so what’s your experience
geumja-ssi t1_j6bwugt wrote
yes, moondrop's quality rather garbage compared to sennheiser
Gamergtx_260 t1_j6c03eg wrote
Danke sehr. Ich wohne in Indien aber nächte Monate komme ich in Deutschland. Mein erst verkauf ist ie 200 lol
idonotliketocomment t1_j6cnjsp wrote
I use Final type e tips on the 300s and 900s. They provide good seal and don't come off the nozzle.
Alone_Ad_1410 t1_j6dmt1g wrote
Anyone tried exchanging IE200's cable with IE900???
I'm really curious about how that sounds😂
dadu1234 OP t1_j6dqde1 wrote
it will sound exactly the same
TRX808 t1_j6elcm3 wrote
The foam filter I'm talking about is in the eartips, the IEM itself still has a grille and internal filter like this. There are many IEM's with more open ports if you're concerned about wax or debris getting in the IEM itself. You can take the foam out of the stock eartips though and put it in other ones but I don't know how well it would stay in. The Senn IE Pro eartips have foam filters in as well but don't have paper-thin silicone like the IE300/600/900 stock eartips (I think IE200 as well).
Friendly-Enthusiasm6 t1_j6fzro5 wrote
how's treble? i've seen people referring to them as smooth
Alone_Ad_1410 t1_j6g5gag wrote
so.....IE200 just gave an extra option for people who like twisted cable🤪
pullupsNpushups t1_j6m2q39 wrote
Can I ask what the connection issue is with IE300? Haven't read about it before, so just curious.
[deleted] t1_j68fd7t wrote