Submitted by [deleted] t3_10n5uqa in headphones
[deleted] OP t1_j6729fg wrote
I don’t see Audeze selling replacement parts for it, nor do I even know what the part is called to search for third party options
Drew141 t1_j6734im wrote
The reason is, that it has a function rather than just being cosmetic. I have the LCD2 Closed Back and have opened them up I know there is a wire attached to it and a bunch of foam there hence.
hyde0000 t1_j673hcl wrote
Yeah basically this.
Also it's not very common for people to swap wood cups on LCD-2C.
However it's very common for people to swap wood cups on Fostex/Denon headphones. But those are different size and will not fit LCD-2C unfortunately.
So the best chance is hoping someone sell their LCD-2 Closed as parts.
Saberknight4x t1_j67gkw3 wrote
Any idea what that wire goes to? Someone on eBay awhile back was selling the baffle cups/cups and all I saw was tuning foam.
mqtpqt t1_j67lacw wrote
wooden cups
you can't just add the cups on your LCD-2, there is additional dampening and other changes that needs be done for it to not sound like shit
meaculpa303 t1_j67qq3r wrote
Those look like the Bubinga cups that were offered on the LCD-XC. Sadly they don’t sell them anymore. I tried my best, but all I managed to get were the maple cups a few years back.
Big_Geologist_2781 t1_j67zii4 wrote
Breast plates
OneModernRelic t1_j682u1u wrote
206Red t1_j686n34 wrote
audeze cups
1974903 t1_j68pifh wrote
that rhymes with ow deez nuts isnt that profound
Wh00ster t1_j68qik4 wrote
They’re called wooden cups
Ok_Motor3975 t1_j68ucok wrote
pavoid t1_j68wsp0 wrote
The treasure you can find opening comments. thanks for this 😆
sam_najian t1_j692j6l wrote
Wooden cups, next
Tweedilderp t1_j693p9d wrote
Poor taste :P
fuzeebear t1_j694nsc wrote
Does it really, though? Audeze is pronounced like "oddity" with a Z instead of T
1974903 t1_j69563g wrote
not if you pronounce it like owdeez
but yeah you’re right
oddizy nutz
florinandrei t1_j696cef wrote
The sound would change tremendously, which is why this is not done.
Gamergtx_260 t1_j69968j wrote
I had these once. Heavy as a helmet but one of the best closed backs.
imoverblox_ t1_j69bour wrote
Its pronounced like Odyssey iirc
fuzeebear t1_j69cals wrote
Oh shit, got em
amianashhole t1_j69hohn wrote
Station wagon trim package
timsams_ t1_j69ig63 wrote
Thanks for that link. I have the LCDXC and it's basically an LCDX with cups on it. I wondered if I could just slap the cups on my LCD2C and be done. I haven't heard the LCD2 closed but if they implemented that kind of filter, they must be better tuned than the LCDXC, which is a total mess compared to LCDX (no bass, harsh/painful tremble, unusable for me).
[deleted] OP t1_j69mzuy wrote
wooden cups
MightyGrey t1_j69q0pt wrote
Anthony and Derek
pkelly500 t1_j6a1l3p wrote
Wooden cups
pkelly500 t1_j6a1q1p wrote
Nope. Not that simple.
There's acoustic dampening and other trickery in the cups that differ in open-back and closed-back models. Even if you somehow added closed-back cups to the LCD-2C, they would sound like shit because they're tuned to be an open-back.
inorebez t1_j6aktrb wrote
I wumbo, you wumbo, he she WE WUMBO!
mydogisbrown69 t1_j6ame2v wrote
Blankhead13 t1_j6apxbt wrote
Bass booster
StanKukin t1_j6b9m7w wrote
I believe the scientific term is - wooden headphone ear-cup sound enclosure lol. Just closed back earcups, mate.
Sullivxn t1_j6dj043 wrote
Those look like a beefed up Monilith M1060C
[deleted] OP t1_j6725vg wrote
I have the LCD-2C but I want the option to make them closed back, could I just buy the cups and swap them whenever I needed?