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Pokrog t1_j6kirfz wrote

EQ them. They sound shockingly veiled once you hear them with EQ. There's lots more detail to be had for free.


[deleted] t1_j6l08mq wrote

Are you trying to deafen people


Pokrog t1_j6l1h7i wrote

Forget to turn your brain on today or are you some lost bot?


[deleted] t1_j6l1vfr wrote

I think you need hearing aids grandpa 👴 🦻


[deleted] t1_j6l29ex wrote

The way this is written I can't tell if you want them to add treble or remove it


VisceralVoyage420 t1_j6m8xqp wrote

Yeah because the only thing you can do with EQ is "add treble". The DT770 sound like shit without EQ.


[deleted] t1_j6mjjx2 wrote

Veiled means an abundance of top end usually 🦻