icedomin8r t1_j4sn6q9 wrote
And here I thought everyone just shat on HiFiMan.
aless530 t1_j4sprxz wrote
Nah, we like to clown on memeze as well, lol
JProllz t1_j4szpew wrote
Is that Audeze or Meze?
aless530 t1_j4t1krh wrote
Daell t1_j4ufinl wrote
or, optionally:
Almost_Ascended t1_j4w9kvy wrote
Eh, I thought Meze was just poor in price to performance ratio? From what I've read their build quality and comfort are top notch. Basically the polar opposite of Hifiman.
GreatStuffOnly OP t1_j4sq9i0 wrote
This is the pair that I'm using when I needed its features (wireless/BT + mic). I don't know if there are any headphones that does that with as close to good quality as this pair. What a shame for the material.
nomadwrangler t1_j4vp18q wrote
Same boat as you. Sad the Maxwells won't be able to do this, and the Penrose has a ticking clocking until it breaks. Mine has held up well for about a year though so I am thankful.
eskamobob1 t1_j4w53o1 wrote
Hifiman has 0 QC but great CS. Abyss and focal have generaly top tier QC but the worst CS I've ever felt with. Ime, only having owned their higher end stuff and being from the US, audeze has the best QC and the best CS I've ever dealt with in audio.
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