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Amphiscian t1_j4t0u39 wrote

They talked about it a bit in Crinacle's Audeze factory tour. Wasn't surprising that their gaming headphones plus the LCD-1 are made in China, but what did surprise me was the diaphragms are all made in California, even for those


agastyaseth t1_j4usbv3 wrote

Made in China doesn’t mean lower quality. 90% of consumer products are manufactured in China including Apple. Quality is purely commensurate with quality of material, design and manufacturing (including QC). This is purely negligence and a cost cutting measure on Audeze’s part. Lower priced or not, it’s their brand and their product; if they can’t stand behind it, it’s a problem. I won’t trust them with their higher priced stuff either


DasGutYa t1_j4vgmo6 wrote

The biggest issues with these gaming headsets (excluding the gx which is made in U.S hmmmm) are the design of the headband and yokes. Which is why they've changed the layout of the maxwell to hopefully remove these problems.

I would like to point out aswell, that it's hard to find headphones made of plastic that don't break at the yokes or headband for a number of people. Beyers and senns audiophile range basically have the fewest qc issues you'll find but as soon as you look at game or portable gear.

Beyer t51/aventho cups breaking Senn momentum and gaming headphones break as do the wireless portables like 4.40 poor headbands Nth 100 break at yokes Focals headbands break Hifiman.... lol Grados wood break at cups Etc

The only headphones that have very few reports of breaking are suspension strap types, Audeze newer designs, hifiman suspension straps, DCA suspensions straps, philips fidelio etc etc.

There's a fundamental problem with singular headband designs that aren't heavily reinforced with metal ie beyers.

How about we blame the industry as a whole rather than singling out audeze for what is basically par for the course qc with plastic headbands and yokes, might actually influence a bit more change.


eskamobob1 t1_j4w4t8o wrote

Exactly. China means it can be cheaper but China is capable of producing truly top tier quality just like anywhere else. It just costs more to do so just like anywhere else


StarWarder t1_j4tvq9h wrote

It makes sense. Focal is doing the same thing with the Bathys. Everything made in China but the drivers.