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SteakTree t1_j4t3lem wrote

I had one of the early versions of the LCD-2 (a rev 1). One of the best headphones I've ever heard, not because of its accuracy but it had that boutique touch in it design and sound. I bought it used, and the wood was cracking. I used special filler to fix it, but I always was a bit careful with the headphone as it had loose connectors because of this. I knew it was fragile, even though parts of it were built like a tank.

I think if you are paying under 1k CAD for a headphone of this type, it is reasonable given they are a small manufacturer. There are going to be problems, but from most accounts Audeze has done their best to remedy these. You aren't hearing the degree of issues that you do with Hifiman (though I still recommend that at the price of Sundara they are worth it but I might not spend higher on the stuff).

Luxury brands like Focal, had a few teething issues with the Utopia. They extended their warranty, and they have come into their own and have put a serious effort into their luxury high-end headphones.

My personal choice and I think a lot of the community will agree is Sennheiser for quality. Sony also is capable in the QXC department but have very different tuning than Sennheiser.

We just need Sennheiser to give us an affordable electrostat or planar!


StarWarder t1_j4tw5jn wrote

Focal replaced bad Utopia drivers even for second or third owners, even out of warranty. You can tell they’re proud of what they do.


Beedle-Juice t1_j4v7orn wrote

It's a shame they can't be bothered to fix the headphones snapping in the exact same place on their $400 and $4000 headphones


SeventyTimes_7 t1_j4wd1ep wrote

Focals snapping?


Beedle-Juice t1_j4xjujl wrote

Almost every Focal I've seen eventually breaks the exact same way. Headband snapping. Doesn't matter if it's a Elear or a Utopia, all have the same issue


SeventyTimes_7 t1_j519aga wrote

I never had issues with my Elears or Elegia but I did have a click on my Elears when the ear cup would move a lot. Snapping seems surprising because they're pretty sturdy headphones.


JustSomeGoon t1_j4tma48 wrote

Would be awesome to see a Sennheiser/Drop collaboration for a good planar


pinkcunt123 t1_j4u0p0q wrote

After what Drop did with the 8xx? Nah fam, I'm good.


JustSomeGoon t1_j4u7zs2 wrote

Ok but the 6xx


SeventyTimes_7 t1_j4wei7r wrote

A blue HD650. Which came out in 2003.


JustSomeGoon t1_j4wg73q wrote

Right, a 650, regarded as one of the best headphones of all time for the money and not out dated by any means. Except they made it more affordable, pretty cool.