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Incarnation139 t1_j60uxwz wrote

I'm sure he spends a lot of time on them, but some of the EQ are just questionable, such as a massive subbass shelf on the hd600/6x0. It sounded noticeably distorted and I highly recommend anyone who use the EQ to also adjust by ears.


G_pea_eS t1_j64eswq wrote

> I highly recommend anyone who use the EQ to also adjust by ears.

So does he, that's why he has specific bands to tweak depending on what you would like to change about the sound. That's a great starting point. 90% of people aren't going to know how to adjust EQ by ear.


Incarnation139 t1_j667mxr wrote

That's exactly what I meant... I know Oratory's EQ has some suggested bands that you can adjust if it's too bassy, has too much presence, too little treble, etc. How would you know if the EQ has personally too much bass or too little treble? You listen with YOUR ears! Not Oratory's ears, yours. Please read my comment again. I said "I highly recommend anyone WHO USE THE EQ to also ADJUST BY EAR." I am not saying to start using your ears to EQ from scratch, although that would be the endgoal. Oratory's EQ is a good base, but everyone should listen and adjust as necessary.