Recent comments in /f/headphones

fUSTERcLUCK_02 t1_jeevaum wrote

Drivers are by far the only thing that makes a headphone sound good. That's like saying the only thing that makes a car fast is the engine.

You also have to consider the housing, cables, material, pads etc.
As well as that, a driver is tuned to sound a specific way. Not that different to how vehicle engines are tuned to perform in a specific way. An F1 car and a Suzuki Ignis both have 1.6L V6 engines with a Hybrid motor but the F1 engine performs better.


Simeras t1_jeeum1f wrote

Magnets can be physically different and have different characteristics. Speaker diaphragm can be a different shape, material. Speaker coil can be made from different wire - thicker or thinner. It can have a different amount of winding on said wire. The actual winding itself can be different.

You cannot EQ a crappy driver to perfection, as it simply does not have a capacity to reproduce all sounds properly without distortion no matter what you do.


Toronto-Will t1_jeeuerw wrote

I've ordered hundreds of items off Amazon over the years, and the closest they've come to ever delivering me the wrong item is that I got the GameOne headphones in black even though in the picture they were white. From my experience they run an incredibly tight ship, although I guess it could vary among different distribution centers.


SupOrSalad t1_jeeu5og wrote

EQ can change a lot, and completely transform a headphone. One thing though is that it's better to EQ with wider filters, as trying to EQ narrow peaks and dips can cause issues. So in that sense, you can EQ most headphones to have very similar sound signatures, but usually there's small details in the Frequency response that are harder or unable to be EQd.

Remember that the frequency response changes quite drastically on your own head, compared to what you see on a measurment rig. So even if you EQ two headphones to have an almost frequency response on a graph, on your own head the FR at your eardrum may be drastically different.

If you were to measure the response of your own ear, and then EQ the headphones to your own ear response, then you can get something much closer. This is one method that Harman used to blind test headphones, they would virtualize different headphones with one test headphone (as well as using the real ones), and they found the results of prefrence tests using virtual headphones were 95% similar to the results using the real headphones.


VizFlux t1_jeet4ts wrote

"Fast forward...a few years and we've reached the point where we've actually reached the point where we can argue we have too many options."

I relate to this so much. It feels like with the in-ear market, the options available are overwhelming. The way I used to narrow the products down was by frequency response graphs vaguely adhering to some target. Eventually, it felt like every other in-ear I was considering was measuring somewhat close to IEF neutral, to the point where I couldn't narrow down options any further than the selection available in one weekend's CanJam visits.


Chastity23 t1_jeesgak wrote

Reply to comment by MimC_06 in I dropped my Edition XS. by MimC_06

Have you considered the Monolith planars? They come with 5 year warranty, and have a metal headband / yokes. And the padding and cups are actual leather (except for the velour cups, comes with 2 sets)

I have the M1070 and M1570 if you have any questions. And I've dropped mine a few times and nothing broke. :) Just be mindful to get them on sale.


ultima-train OP t1_jees9x5 wrote

what are you talking about they have different engines which is what actually matters and drives up the price you are talking about the superficial similarities. I am refering to the actual components that make up the drivers.


maXXXjacker t1_jees7kh wrote

If you have the money and want to do it right, the Qudelix 5k would be my first choice and only choice.

If I need to keep under budget, next on my list would be the Creative SXFI AMP (not to be confused with the X1 which looks identical). The SXFI AMP has a LOT of power compared to other cheaper dongles. 370mW at 32 ohms. It happens to be on sale for 60 dollars. The Creative app for it is kind of trash on PC but it's usable, same with Android. You can adjust bass and treble and select from some presets and there is also the SXFI gimmick which I hate but you can turn this off if you share the same feelings about it. Works on PC/Android.

Last for me would be the Truthear Shio because it suits my tastes for neutral sounding headphones.

There is probably some new hotness out there in dongles but the only one I can confidently recommend that should delight is the Qudelix. Worth every penny.


fUSTERcLUCK_02 t1_jeervto wrote

Cheap headphones have gotten so good recently.
Sennheiser have the HD599 which is almost constantly on sale for less than £100 on Amazon
AKG have the K702 which has a superb frequency response and fantastic soundstage. With technical accuracy which really isn't that far behind the HD600.
The Koss KSC75. £20, supremely comfortable, superb sound signature, especially for visual media.

It barely seems necessary to spend >£200 on audio gear anymore