Recent comments in /f/headphones

C4RB0N t1_jeeyqoc wrote

Reply to HD599 SE by JavaliRacing

It's a good headphone for the price you paid. I had the 598/599 for a while before moving on to others.


theonlyone38 t1_jeextvi wrote

I think its different for everyone. Which is why I think if you're dabbling in premium sound for the first time, start smaller. Grab a pair of 58x's or 6xx's to start and see what you notice. Don't go and buy a pair of thousand dollar cans until you've gotten your feet wet.


Tekki-UK t1_jeexq6a wrote

Reply to Chunkies by supermodio64

i think kph40 are better on the clips than the ksc75, these look tidy anyway, selling?


AsianMysteryPoints t1_jeewneb wrote

It's because the answer to your question doesn't really tell much. Two meals can have the same ingredients but differ wildly depending on the quality and ingenuity of the preparation. The divers on a pair of $40 headphones might share material components with the drivers on a $400 pair, but that doesn't speak to the quality of the driver construction, tuning, open design, acoustic decisions re: chassis, cup shape and seal, impedance, etc.

That's why people are telling you about the tuning and sound signature; it's just more relevant to understanding the difference in quality.


mqtpqt t1_jeevxtt wrote

coz using EQ and managing sound reflections/dampening backwaves/finding optimum damping factor for the driver are two different things.

Else your headphones would sounds like a mess; your headphone would resonate and have a cancellation effect.

u/oratory1990 please do enlighten us


AngusPicanha OP t1_jeevo3j wrote

So yeah, gave away these brand new to a friend/colleague who listens to music on his Razer Hammerhead TWS, so I wanted him to have something nicer.

I also got the JCally 3.5mm to Lightning DAC dongle for his iPhone, much better built than the garbo and flimsy Apple dongles, and also a UGreen hardcase because the stock Truthear "coin pouch" case sucks in my opinion.

Still waiting for a pair of Openheart 0.78mm cables to arrive which I'll pass to him next time, because the stock cables are very thin and filmsy, easy to tangle.

I tried them on for a bit and maybe I have big ass ear holes because the huge nozzles don't bother me one bit (then again I have the Blessing 2 as my daily portable carry which are also known for having huge nozzles so).

The blue face plate is quite stunning in person, very tasteful. Very light IEMs overall.

Vocals seem surprisingly crisp but are a little recessed and hollow, but nothing bad. I just prefer a forward midrange. The subbass has a nice rumble but didn't feel overpowering. The treble didn't feel sibilant to me (in comparison the LetShuoer S12 was sibilant as hell to my ears)

Really nice pair of IEMs for the price overall.

Ps, yes he enjoyed them quite a bit, says the Razer Hammerhead TWS sucks now.

More update: his mind is blown after switching to Spotify Premium, it's 1AM in the morning and he's messaging me about the stuff he's never noticed in songs before.