Recent comments in /f/headphones

rhalf t1_jegilfc wrote

Yeah, some people take the risk. Their streams crap out often though. they rely on the chat telling them that something is not right. There are also some that have a second person handling this and other stuff like chat moderation. They also often look at the controls to see if everything is OK.


dad_beans t1_jegi5a6 wrote

When I gave my friend a pair of Koss KPH30i his girlfriend promptly took them from him.. lol

Anyway, you're a great friend for that. Having your friends experience great sound quality for the first time is an awesome feeling, like sharing something of our world to them.


EatTomatos t1_jegi22i wrote

Realistically, the size of headphone drivers and the proximity to the ears all increase the difficulty of making a excellent harman target headphone. This is why you see things like Susvara or HE-1 demanding some of the highest prices. A 3" speaker driver on the other hand, can easily get 95% to harman targets and a multitude of other potential sound signatures. So consequently, if you have a headphone that is leaning towards Harman but doesn't quite make the grade, then it can be hard to find a good profile from that point. Sometimes you find a EQ that sounds good but then realize another part of the FR became imbalanced. So a headphone that is more V shaped or imbalanced to begin with, can perceptually be more "fun" to EQ but NOT because it's accurate. It's more fun because it's less linear to begin with. There are other sound targets that people can tune to. I would say that many ZMF headphones (excluding some, auteur is more harmany if i remeber right) go for a more linear treble response with 6khz being a distinct peak. Meze Lirics also have a very good spin on a neutral U shape, which creates a good sound profile. So not saying it's wrong, but a harman headphone will technically still be more accurate, yet the results will probably be more underwhelming.


Gofa_Kirselph t1_jeghfbz wrote

The leather strap fell off, which made the headband far too big and uncomfortable. There was no way to glue it back on without breaking the headband further. It was still functioning so I didn’t wanna risk it.

I wanted to see if one of those headband covers would work so I tested it out with bubble wrap instead. It worked but obviously the bubbles would eventually pop. Adding some packing peanuts helped and was unusually comfortable. I have since ordered a $10-$15 headband cover from Amazon because… well, you see how janky it looks lol


ultra_prescriptivist t1_jegg6lw wrote

>When you will be more reasonable, then forget Tidal, its a scam. Tried Spotify, Tidal, Deezer and Apple music side by side. Tidal is nearly as bad as Spotify. I really enjoy Deezer as it's cheap and great value (cd quality).

  1. Tidal isn't necessarily "a scam" if you can get over MQA, philosophically. Stick to their Hi-Fi tier and the sound quality is fine.
  2. Spotify isn't necessarily "bad", as most people can't tell between their Very High setting and lossless anyway.
  3. The particular master recording used for a given album has a bigger impact on sound quality than bitrate, therefore since Deezer shares a lot of the same master recordings with Spotify, they basically sound the same anyway. For example, they both use the same flawed copy of Gorillaz's track, El Mañana from the album Demon Days, for whatever reason. Here is a spectrogram analysis of the track as it appears on the original CD (left) versus Spotify (right). Now the same comparison but for Apple Music (left) versus Deezer (right).

thebilljim t1_jegeg0s wrote

Girlfriend finds 99% of what I enjoy musically to be unlistenable noise - which is fine, I'm listening to a lot of French post-black metal and death metal; she loves Tori Amos and Ani DiFranco, we are not quite the same - so investing in a pair of really good headphones has allowed me to enjoy my unpalatable harsh chaos noise without her having to suffer through it.

EDIT: it occurs to me that my answer may not be all that helpful, or on-topic, because my headphones only cost me around $300USD...not an insignificant amount, but also not the $1000+ cans that OP was probably asking about.