Recent comments in /f/headphones

eJAKE-ulate t1_jego6jd wrote

Can’t speak on the K9 Pro, but the RME’s EQ is superb and sounds better than using EqualizerAPO and the AKM version I’m using has ridiculously clean XLR and RCA outputs. The amp section may be better on the K9 due to the RME being limited to 1.5W, but it can power 600 ohm Beyer 880s just fine.


eJAKE-ulate t1_jegnjwh wrote

Wish more companies experimented with colors. I understand that black and silver will always sell more than red, blue, purple, etc so demand isn’t as much, but I would definitely be willing to pay a slight up charge for a cool color.


Contrario04 t1_jegmxt9 wrote

They listen to what's being recorded by the mic in real time, as opposed to after the fact with computer playback. It's there as a measure to help them record better audio because they'll pickup that something is wrong while recording instead of after the fact when listening back to the audio after recording an hour of unusable audio because whatever audio is being created by the mic will be heard in the headphones as they are recording.


ThatsPurttyGood101 OP t1_jegluh9 wrote

I'm done. Tapping out. This is my endgame. HD8XX and HD600 (in hd660s chassis) with Topping DX7s and Schiit Valhalla 2. I am happy with this set up and finally don't need to spend anymore money on this hobby.

Except maybe on pads. And some tubes to roll. And cables. I should probably grab some IEM's for work. But then I'd need a portable dac too.... Oh no


Eezywhippet t1_jegjojd wrote

My K702's were my first "better" headphones I bought many years ago. Since then I have bought and sold, god knows how many, yet the K702's remain. Now they sit with my DT1990 and Grado rs2e. I'm in a good place for now...... for now. 😁