Recent comments in /f/headphones
GenghisKhan90210 t1_jegonug wrote
Reply to FiiO K5 PRO ESS Red color launched by lightning696969
Where would we be without fiio
SkyrimElf t1_jegonub wrote
You should see if you can get a refund, Amazon might let you keep the item and give you a refund anyway. Just don’t send them back if they want you to
WhiteCollarNeal t1_jego909 wrote
Reply to comment by AngusPicanha in Gave away the Truthear Zero as a birthday present by AngusPicanha
UGreen has been a very reputable brand for me. They have built a lot of good quality accessories
Walmiltur OP t1_jego785 wrote
Reply to comment by Contrario04 in Why youtubers/podcasters/musicians ecc wear headphones? by Walmiltur
Got it thank you. But a lot of creators still doesn't use it, why?
eJAKE-ulate t1_jego6jd wrote
Reply to comment by Ticonderogue in FiiO K5 PRO ESS Red color launched by lightning696969
Can’t speak on the K9 Pro, but the RME’s EQ is superb and sounds better than using EqualizerAPO and the AKM version I’m using has ridiculously clean XLR and RCA outputs. The amp section may be better on the K9 due to the RME being limited to 1.5W, but it can power 600 ohm Beyer 880s just fine.
andikzz OP t1_jegnuht wrote
Alright guys, seems like putting it in original box with silica gel to put away moisture and avoid direct sunlight is the best way to go. I'll try to go with this method and see the result.
Thank you guys
eJAKE-ulate t1_jegnjwh wrote
Reply to FiiO K5 PRO ESS Red color launched by lightning696969
Wish more companies experimented with colors. I understand that black and silver will always sell more than red, blue, purple, etc so demand isn’t as much, but I would definitely be willing to pay a slight up charge for a cool color.
Contrario04 t1_jegmxt9 wrote
Reply to comment by Walmiltur in Why youtubers/podcasters/musicians ecc wear headphones? by Walmiltur
They listen to what's being recorded by the mic in real time, as opposed to after the fact with computer playback. It's there as a measure to help them record better audio because they'll pickup that something is wrong while recording instead of after the fact when listening back to the audio after recording an hour of unusable audio because whatever audio is being created by the mic will be heard in the headphones as they are recording.
chammer36 t1_jegmcyz wrote
Enjoy dude. I’m super new to IEMs and got these as a first go and really like them.
ultra_prescriptivist t1_jegmb88 wrote
Reply to I'm finally done by ThatsPurttyGood101
Yup. That'll about do it.
Automatic-Being-9772 t1_jeglzbf wrote
Reply to Dekoni Velour Pads on my Edition XS by esctrlol
Swan Os-10s 🤌🤌
[deleted] t1_jeglvzr wrote
Reply to I'm finally done by ThatsPurttyGood101
ThatsPurttyGood101 OP t1_jegluh9 wrote
Reply to I'm finally done by ThatsPurttyGood101
I'm done. Tapping out. This is my endgame. HD8XX and HD600 (in hd660s chassis) with Topping DX7s and Schiit Valhalla 2. I am happy with this set up and finally don't need to spend anymore money on this hobby.
Except maybe on pads. And some tubes to roll. And cables. I should probably grab some IEM's for work. But then I'd need a portable dac too.... Oh no
DreamDropDistancia t1_jegkw11 wrote
Reply to comment by Regular-Mousse7841 in FiiO K5 PRO ESS Red color launched by lightning696969
The snake oil is especially apparent thanks to their lack of command over the English language - it's painfully obvious they're trying their best to sound like it's doing something great, but it just comes off as a bad/desperate translation.
andysaurus_rex t1_jegkvjg wrote
Reply to comment by Fukuramichan in What if Australis and HD650, but cute? by Fukuramichan
sunjay140 t1_jegkpml wrote
Reply to comment by mcjasonb in Truthear Hexa Written Review by CammyFi
Lots of people are able to ABX test consistently
Fukuramichan OP t1_jegk3od wrote
Reply to comment by andysaurus_rex in What if Australis and HD650, but cute? by Fukuramichan
That was probably mine, I post most of my designs for free on thingiverse and printables
andysaurus_rex t1_jegjytv wrote
Reply to comment by Fukuramichan in What if Australis and HD650, but cute? by Fukuramichan
Cool! I saw something similar on Thingiverse I think and was curious how comfortable it would be.
I only have a resin printer and no headphone that would be compatible with the design so I've never tried printing it.
ku1185 t1_jegjwnu wrote
Love the 9500's.
oratory1990 t1_jegjoni wrote
Reply to comment by Walmiltur in Why youtubers/podcasters/musicians ecc wear headphones? by Walmiltur
So they can hear whether the microphone is recording their voice properly.
Eezywhippet t1_jegjojd wrote
Reply to AKG K702 Review: WIIIDE by OkRazzmatazz7121
My K702's were my first "better" headphones I bought many years ago. Since then I have bought and sold, god knows how many, yet the K702's remain. Now they sit with my DT1990 and Grado rs2e. I'm in a good place for now...... for now. 😁
Fukuramichan OP t1_jegjk46 wrote
Reply to comment by andysaurus_rex in What if Australis and HD650, but cute? by Fukuramichan
Yes, most of it is a higher stiffness tpu so it's Uber durable.
andysaurus_rex t1_jegjfts wrote
Reply to comment by Fukuramichan in What if Australis and HD650, but cute? by Fukuramichan
Is everything 3D printed?
Fynniboyy t1_jegisvw wrote
Reply to comment by xthakx in AZ09 Pro into wireless headphones? Possible? by xthakx
I would put some kind of bag around it because these boys literally explode and spread their gunk everywhere. Be careful
Regular-Mousse7841 t1_jegp443 wrote
Reply to I'm finally done by ThatsPurttyGood101
Why do you have the HD600 in HD660s Chassis ?