Recent comments in /f/headphones
sethryan44 OP t1_jegr660 wrote
I recently ordered this custom braided 1/4" TRS cable with push pull style connectors for my Dan Clark Audio Æeon Open X. I configured the cable so the left side is red and the right side is blue. It makes the audio sound 20% better. I highly recommend Hart Audio cables to anyone for their custom cable needs.
ThatsABitAsinine t1_jegqzdi wrote
Reply to comment by iReallyLoveYouAll in i think i got tinnitus yall by iReallyLoveYouAll
If you did that just once, don’t sweat it. I used to blast my ears with Apple earphones in high school all day far past 100dB. I can still hear up to 19,000 hz, but the tinnitus is slightly annoying. But it seems like my hearing ability in general hasn’t been too affected for now. I’ll see what happens in 10 years lol.
PsychwardSlippers t1_jegqxod wrote
Reply to comment by Fukuramichan in What if Australis and HD650, but cute? by Fukuramichan
Thank you :3
MuchSalt t1_jegqwgp wrote
Reply to comment by AkagamiShanks007 in About 2 years of use, my Sundara headband collapses and idk how to repair it. by Whatever_acc
this isnt one of it
MuchSalt t1_jegqs7d wrote
Reply to About 2 years of use, my Sundara headband collapses and idk how to repair it. by Whatever_acc
3d print the snapped part
Fukuramichan OP t1_jegqlfc wrote
Reply to comment by PsychwardSlippers in What if Australis and HD650, but cute? by Fukuramichan
I have them on my etsy right now it's not just a cover though, it fully replaces the headband. Easy to install and easy to uninstall. I can't link it here because of the rules, but if you Google "CapraAudio etsy" you'll come across it.
SchiitMjolnir2 t1_jegqibo wrote
Reply to I'm finally done by ThatsPurttyGood101
Nice setup and good taste of headphone choice!
Giboy346 t1_jegqbcc wrote
Reply to i think i got tinnitus yall by iReallyLoveYouAll
Go to a doctor instead of reddit.
andysaurus_rex t1_jegq7wk wrote
Reply to comment by ThatsPurttyGood101 in I'm finally done by ThatsPurttyGood101
If you are looking for pads, I can highly recommend ZMF's pads for the HD8XX. I have the lambskin but I'm intrigued by the microfiber or whatever material it is ones too.
PsychwardSlippers t1_jegq66d wrote
Reply to What if Australis and HD650, but cute? by Fukuramichan
I'm going to have to ask for the link to the cat-ears cover for research purposes.
iReallyLoveYouAll OP t1_jegq4bh wrote
Reply to comment by ThatsABitAsinine in i think i got tinnitus yall by iReallyLoveYouAll
thanks man. ffs preach. i think i listened to things too loud ebcause my headphones were 113db and i always used it on 100%
Regular-Mousse7841 t1_jegq3ys wrote
Reply to comment by ThatsPurttyGood101 in I'm finally done by ThatsPurttyGood101
Yes i've seen that lol, you used exactly original color ! If it wasn't for the Sennheiser logo in the yolk i'd have said it's an hd600
MourningDark t1_jegq2hb wrote
Reply to comment by coreyfromlowes69 in Some cheap headphones are so good it's almost ridiculous. Buy the HE400SE and SHR840A. by mistersprinkles1983
I think the pads/cushions(?)feel very similar, almost identical. Yet the clamping force is somewhat stronger on the X3, although not a huge difference. They're both comfortable.
What makes the X2's much more comfortable overall though in my opinion and experience is the headband. Maybe my head is too large(or too oblong) but I have to put my X3's further forward on my head or else I feel some pain on the top of my head from the pressure.
Aside from this I prefer the X3 because they don't sound as dark as the X2(X2 retains its dark signature after using Oratory EQ preset to reach approximation of Harman Target).
Edit: By "cushions" maybe you actually meant the specialized automatic adjustable headband??? for which I know no name of and just call it headband, lol, even though technically the actual headband doesn't sit on ones head at all on these headphone models.
iReallyLoveYouAll OP t1_jegq05z wrote
Reply to comment by goodthebadandthesexy in i think i got tinnitus yall by iReallyLoveYouAll
hmm ok thanks. if this persists till tomorrow im taking an action bout it
ThatsABitAsinine t1_jegpxon wrote
Reply to i think i got tinnitus yall by iReallyLoveYouAll
Tinnitus is pretty slow. I have it badly but only the more I actually focus and listen to the ringing specifically. U can get ringing in your ears for listening to something for too loudly that will go away over time, tinnitus is life long really, so I’m hoping for your sake that it goes away for you.
f4780y t1_jegps28 wrote
Reply to comment by Hitorijanae in I need help finding a brand of headphones by imnotdeadlmao
Excellent sleuthing - take my award and upvote please.
Contrario04 t1_jegpreh wrote
Reply to comment by Walmiltur in Why youtubers/podcasters/musicians ecc wear headphones? by Walmiltur
- Could be that they're willing to take the risk.
- Could be unaware that the mic or interface is even capable of doing that.
- Larger content creators could also have sound guys keeping an eye on things behind the scenes, thus negating the need to monitor it personally.
goodthebadandthesexy t1_jegpr0h wrote
Reply to comment by iReallyLoveYouAll in i think i got tinnitus yall by iReallyLoveYouAll
You gotta see a doctor. There are loads of things that could help, or tests that could verify. Fluid build up in the ear for example
MichRT t1_jegpp7b wrote
Reply to comment by Dust-by-Monday in What if Australis and HD650, but cute? by Fukuramichan
I own it. It rules
Shot-Disaster5010 t1_jegpov7 wrote
Reply to FiiO K5 PRO ESS Red color launched by lightning696969
Reminds me of the old red x5iii, looks really nice.
iReallyLoveYouAll OP t1_jegpk1e wrote
Reply to comment by B_Y_P_R_T in i think i got tinnitus yall by iReallyLoveYouAll
i researched it no cure. so no point in seein a doctoer. goddamn
ThatsPurttyGood101 OP t1_jegpcpv wrote
Reply to comment by Regular-Mousse7841 in I'm finally done by ThatsPurttyGood101
I had the marble version of the hd600 and the regular hd660s. The marble paint was chipping, the 660s look cooler, the hd600 sound better, and one day when I was doing a deep cleaning, I had the idea to just swap the drivers around. I recently sold said hd660s in marble chassis
Edit: I also painted blue over the "hd660s" badge on the yokes to avoid confusion lol
B_Y_P_R_T t1_jegpc9o wrote
Reply to i think i got tinnitus yall by iReallyLoveYouAll
Gotta contact a doctor man
iReallyLoveYouAll OP t1_jegp6g3 wrote
Reply to i think i got tinnitus yall by iReallyLoveYouAll
i wanna fucken cry
[deleted] t1_jegr7av wrote
Reply to Dan Clark Audio Æeon Open X with custom braided Hart Audio cable by sethryan44