Submitted by V3N0M3 t3_126ir76
Submitted by BC_LOFASZ t3_125ypez
Submitted by Drago-0900 t3_124a1wu
Submitted by FuckFuckShitBitch t3_11vs3k8
Submitted by Purely_awesome t3_12192ra
Submitted by EvLTimE t3_125w4wd
Submitted by Prudent-Assistant-99 t3_123gn9x
Submitted by yarbles66 t3_11ukcz0
Submitted by Fragrant_Ad_5696 t3_126acx6
Submitted by syahniel t3_11uitr1
Submitted by lokiiami t3_11wg1su
Anybody have any information on blessing 2 water rating? Just took them into a hot tub with me with a bt cable but never submerged the iem, was worried about dropping them in
Submitted by OpenRecommendation44 t3_1238s7z
Submitted by ThisIsNotJP t3_11hue1o
Submitted by wagninger t3_11lviw4
Submitted by Professional_Clue813 t3_11yavln
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_120i2v5
Submitted by OsanasShitStash t3_yd5hce
Submitted by Kvpier t3_yhnkmn
Submitted by evildrcrocs t3_yf29ii
Submitted by upendrawanmali t3_ycuypc
Submitted by Anx_DB t3_yf2cyf
Submitted by BDTDSQ t3_y91tqn