Submitted by GuitarHentaiMan t3_z06gln
Submitted by hurtyewh t3_126dz4r
Submitted by Efficient_Truth_9461 t3_10p9l8j
Submitted by MontiMont t3_ydllw4
Submitted by rob417 t3_11dkitc
Submitted by GhoZsK t3_zyo8te
Submitted by pioterman t3_yif4e6
Submitted by MisterPotat t3_10mddsg
Submitted by tterriii t3_yyujr1
Submitted by Nebucatnetzer t3_yiq48h
Submitted by thewaldo77 t3_10leni6
Submitted by One_Nifty_Boi t3_y1nmly
Submitted by the_great_awoo t3_yayak1
Submitted by wiggan1989 t3_yfx08c
Got these sennheiser urbanite headphones for $4 at goodwill. In good condition and very clean. It was missing the cable but I made a temporary one out of a few cables I had lying around. Did I get a good deal?
Submitted by Redraddle t3_y58uhp
Submitted by resurgences t3_11ddqt3
Submitted by crxmb t3_zg0bmw
Submitted by beeglowbot t3_zxoj8v
Submitted by Whatever_acc t3_127gcex
Submitted by Viking_fairy t3_10u7wmb
Submitted by LSG4M3R t3_118m2xk
Submitted by wiggan1989 t3_10m3h19
Submitted by itzykan t3_zzf5rc
New Amp/Dac and Headphones have arrived to get me into the world of a bottomless money pit :) all basic stuff to start me on the journey. Dac/Amp Topping DX1 Sennheiser HD599s running from Samsung a13
Submitted by si_ro_le_88 t3_zz8fnq