Submitted by St_Lunatic t3_11a6zls
Submitted by mmry404 t3_11aqf1m
Submitted by uqil t3_zueuzj
Submitted by Lelouch25 t3_z6q68j
Submitted by olqerergorp_etereum t3_zwh8mm
Submitted by noob-phile t3_11caj1g
Submitted by forthelol t3_10msobs
Submitted by governmentthief t3_y9fijm
Submitted by 1080pin4k t3_yacmiy
Submitted by vavent_ t3_118ton9
Submitted by ChickenCake248 t3_11dgff3
Submitted by DanforthJesus t3_10ivank
Submitted by MashMayoru t3_zx8cg7
Submitted by Pigman232 t3_zyezoz
Is this min-maxing obsession or are there benefits to be had by tweaking things on the OS or digital side and using 'audiophile' footers?
Submitted by Orangutan_Ulti t3_z8m2ma
Submitted by petethebeat14 t3_1147tzb
Submitted by StrongReplacement926 t3_11bu7ao
Submitted by Perviewted t3_10pounk
Submitted by GhoZsK t3_zyo8te
Submitted by Hot_Advance3592 t3_z4xx8o
Submitted by lefterisven t3_11e4b3k
Submitted by lightning696969 t3_12782u3
Submitted by Urpsurps t3_1226rq1
Submitted by Swoopii11 t3_11bz8vf