Submitted by RabbitLorx t3_zwn4gw
Submitted by emptyvasudevan t3_yogqxw
Submitted by resurgences t3_11ddqt3
Submitted by Fantastic-Newspaper3 t3_127gw0e
Submitted by GHOSTVIPERZ28 t3_118kj8k
Submitted by slooploop2 t3_yfp3ad
Submitted by CultofCedar t3_11yyzlw
Submitted by Cyberspace242 t3_11lc2t4
Submitted by Orangutan_Ulti t3_10dao33
Submitted by wiggan1989 t3_10m3h19
Submitted by wiggan1989 t3_11srn5m
Submitted by Not-Icarus t3_11akj4c
MFW when my new $1,500 cables of copperless silver, expertly hydrochlorinated with ozone for tighter bass sparklier highs and more danceability, don't sound one bit better than the ones that came with the headphones
Submitted by LawfulGoodCorgi t3_10ozri9
Submitted by hourglass7 t3_zwj9z4
Submitted by samaxe1000 t3_1201bxp
Submitted by dpalma9 t3_124zej2
Submitted by Nosapaw t3_10osnvg
Submitted by NekitEnot t3_yck3oo
Without this subreddit, I wouldn't have heard of these, so thanks to you! Very happy with my new purchase!
Submitted by Abraxo_Grammaticus t3_yepstn
Submitted by samaxe1000 t3_126c3t1
Submitted by Hangged t3_zytmgw
Submitted by Cameri- t3_y1g66m