Submitted by MRSallee t3_124ymal
Submitted by timsams_ t3_124v08v
Submitted by JaggerXXVIII t3_120mea1
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_120i2v5
Submitted by Professional_Clue813 t3_11yavln
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_11wgyp7
Submitted by Hit-maker t3_11rs9s7
Submitted by SupOrSalad t3_11qrzo7
Are you a B A S S head? Do you love bass??? Have you gotten some headphones and want to test how their bass is? Drop your favorite BASS songs here in the comments, and checkout the ones left by others.
Submitted by cmickledev t3_11o40y8
Submitted by wagninger t3_11lviw4
Submitted by Day_100 t3_11k8zd3
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_11hylle
Submitted by ThisIsNotJP t3_11hue1o
Submitted by BingaBenga t3_120bb3k
Submitted by D3athCAP t3_126c5it
Submitted by androidbrick t3_125imiw
Submitted by hurtyewh t3_126dz4r
Submitted by dpalma9 t3_124zej2
Submitted by hurtyewh t3_121eufv
Submitted by Carlsen94 t3_121cz95
Submitted by chrews t3_11rvqvz
Submitted by samaxe1000 t3_1201bxp
Submitted by imnotdeadlmao t3_127oogn
Anybody have any information on blessing 2 water rating? Just took them into a hot tub with me with a bt cable but never submerged the iem, was worried about dropping them in
Submitted by OpenRecommendation44 t3_1238s7z
Submitted by UrsusMajr t3_124uy1d