Submitted by iReallyLoveYouAll t3_1280ux2
I was secretly happy when I broke the jack because it gave me a reason to do a detachable cable mod. Still has a few inches of origin cable on it tho.
Submitted by SeeMinusMinus11 t3_11z6vgt
Submitted by slooploop2 t3_127mj4h
Submitted by ChekeredList71 t3_11wkto8
Submitted by samaxe1000 t3_11wxp8o
Submitted by Lead-Fapstronaut t3_11uo229
Submitted by ThatsPurttyGood101 t3_1235d34
Submitted by AbigLog t3_1221fgp
Submitted by stankworm t3_121y53v
Submitted by mistersprinkles1983 t3_124780x
Is this corrosion? I’ve been using these for roughly a month. They are rated as iP57 but I still did not expose to water directly. The only time they get wet are when I clean them (roughly 3:10 dilution ipa to water, very conservative amount on microfiber cloth and wiped) and if I sweat.
Submitted by DecayableRadiologist t3_11q3o30
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_11e5gyd
Submitted by SaintedTainted t3_11cpj7a
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_11761r5
Submitted by maXXXjacker t3_114423o
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_10wsuq3
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_10tcg6o
Submitted by Business_Home t3_11ee1y7
Submitted by Le_Bork t3_11c060h
Submitted by noob-phile t3_11caj1g
Submitted by Swoopii11 t3_11bz8vf
Submitted by vavent_ t3_11674v3
Submitted by Pleasant-Engine6816 t3_11by32e
Submitted by [deleted] t3_112gnum