Submitted by lokiiami t3_11wg1su
Submitted by AngusPicanha t3_127ndl1
Submitted by paddyirish1989 t3_126mf7e
Submitted by lcerura t3_121zz1b
Submitted by Jmo04 t3_11xtqpo
Submitted by Additional_Worry3233 t3_11xexyq
Found at the local thrift store. $15 each and $100 for the lot. Not sure if it’s worth it since I can’t identify some of them…
Submitted by paigezpp t3_123v6y8
Submitted by zjorsa t3_11utlzb
Submitted by sunjay140 t3_123axlk
Submitted by Fukuramichan t3_127ywhn
Submitted by EddyB299 t3_11s0nqd
Submitted by Lamsauce1 t3_124i1um
Submitted by toastyhoodie t3_1234f5q
Submitted by Cyberspace242 t3_11lc2t4
Submitted by shiny_potato t3_12658xx
Submitted by [deleted] t3_1275cq6
Submitted by NoobBrawler0211 t3_127cb6m
Submitted by syahniel t3_11uitr1
Submitted by Elpedro30 t3_120z2pq
Submitted by Beneficial-Fly-8992 t3_11rofsj
Submitted by TraubeMinzeTABAK t3_122v365
Submitted by Fragrant_Ad_5696 t3_126acx6
Submitted by Day_100 t3_11qm1zk
Submitted by Both_Use_417 t3_125f0le
Submitted by insmek t3_11qkdmv