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Sunnyjim333 t1_j77vjy8 wrote

What is the clothing material Ansenberg, it was popular in the USA in the 1860s. Thank you.


talltatanka t1_j78sut5 wrote

> Ansenberg I believe you might mean Eisenberg


Sunnyjim333 t1_j790sqw wrote

Thank you, I was working off of transcriptions of Slave Narratives from the 1936-1938 WPA records and that is what was transcribed. Interesting reading if you get a chance.


talltatanka t1_j79fin6 wrote

Do you have a link to share? I'm on my phone but I am intrigued. Thanks.


Sunnyjim333 t1_j79huqr wrote

In the years 0f 1936-1938 the WPA {Works Progress Administration) initiated a program of transcribing Slave Naritaves. If you search on Internet Archive or AMAZON you can download these for free. There are transcriptions from all the Southern states that were slave holders. Very interesting reading.


elmonoenano t1_j7dhjac wrote


talltatanka t1_j7dj14h wrote

Thanks for this, I forgot about Library of Congress website. Why am I am so interested? I have an old abolitionist book of poetry and stories passed down from my grandparents, and it has many simple stories of the damage done. I'm going to have to dig it up, just for comparison.