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Brickie78 t1_j7ccatg wrote

To expand, "lede" is used instead of "lead", as in the "leading paragraph" of a story. Merriam Webster explains

> Spelling the word as lede helped copyeditors, typesetters, and others in the business distinguish it from its homograph lead (pronounced \led\ ), which also happened to refer to the thin strip of metal separating lines of type (as in a Linotype machine). Since both uses were likely to come up frequently in a newspaper office, there was a benefit to spelling the two words distinctly.

To "bury the lede" in the expression which has relatively recently gone mainstream, is to ignore the main fact and focus on an unimportant detail. Posters on r/amitheasshole, for instance, often bury the lede by omitting crucial details that show the situation in a very different light once revealed.