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Eminence_grizzly t1_jbwhvuw wrote

Were there many examples in history when a Shia dynasty ruled a country with a Sunni majority (or vice versa)? If so, were there any revolts on a religious basis?


TheBattler t1_jbwm5ft wrote

Fatimid Dynasty Egypt was a Shia dynasty ruling a Sunni majority but I can't recall any revolts by the Sunnis


Thibaudborny t1_jbwo60u wrote

There were a few, but most revolts were about taxation/power struggles. The Fatimids were not to heavy on the proselytizing.


GSilky t1_jbzzbtz wrote

IIRC the later Persian kingdoms like the safarids had majority Sunni populations.


Thibaudborny t1_jc5ococ wrote

Daylamis and Buyids, too. The Safavids, however, were those who'd push for the active conversion, which was somewhat of a novelty.