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Dlo-Nainamsat t1_jdug04u wrote


Harrintino t1_jduvyti wrote

Same. Movies are for enjoyment and fun. I didn't watch gladiator to touch up on my Roman history.


vinicelii t1_jduy6ij wrote

One of my favorite things about Gladiator (looking past how the history is entirely bs of course) is that they actually toned DOWN how crazy Commodus probably was irl. The man thought he was a reincarnation of Hercules and regularly took up arms in the Colosseum instead of doing imperial duties.

He didn't kill his dad though.


yarrpirates t1_jdv5je1 wrote

He carried a huge wooden club around, and regularly had disabled people tortured to death in the Colosseum! Man was crazy as a bag of arsehair.


sojayn t1_jdwk42c wrote

Man, a bag of arsehair is a good evaluation of crazy thanks!


recycled_ideas t1_jdxnvxc wrote

> is that they actually toned DOWN how crazy Commodus probably was irl.

It's really hard to determine how much of that is true. Roman historians have a tendency to paint emperors they don't like as degenerates regardless of the actual truth and Roman imperial dynasties are so short lived that no one cares enough to stop them.

Commodus pissed off the Senators and a lot of the historians we have accounts of are of or associated with the Senatorial class. He seems to have been pretty popular with the people.


seaworthy-sieve t1_jdxza75 wrote

>The man thought he was a reincarnation of Hercules

Fun fact, Alexander the Great believed he was a descendant of both Heracles (patrilineally) and Achilles (matrilineally). He slept with a copy of the Iliad.


saudadeusurper t1_jdv3bp0 wrote

Yeah, but I think Braveheart is notorious and uniquely inaccurate for what almost amounts to a biopic.