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osaba_mozkorra OP t1_je959eg wrote

All in all, the alleged "Neolithic" solar-precise Stonehenge calendar is shown to be a purely modern construct whose archaeoastronomical and calendrical bases are flawed.


delrioaudio t1_jeacs6z wrote

One of the arguments is that the movement of the sun is harder to measure closer to the solstice and Stonehenge could not have been accurate enough, but thr Aztecs were able to correct this with a second sight stone, if I remember correctly. Like sighting a rifle, they would have 2 reference points to line up that would produce an accurate enough measurement to keep the seasons on track with their calendar.


MerelyMortalModeling t1_jeadiwb wrote

This is just another theory in a huge field of competing theories. I wouldnt place too much emphasis on it as others in the field have already pointed out that the authors are just giving preference to their pet assumptions over other researchers' preferences.

Most glaringly is their 1st point, which assumes that ancients required a few arc minutes or greater precision, thats kinda ridiculous. For reference, the dot that is Jupiter to the naked eye is about 1 arc minute wide.

20 years ago, Dr Clive Ruggles wrote a paper that I feel lays out an elegant and convincing argument.

There are no first-hand records or writing from the period. We simply dont know if Stonehenge was or was not used for "astronomy," and if anyone says otherwise, they have to be making large assumptions. Those assumptions tell you more about the researchers in question than they do about Stonehenge.


F_Zappa t1_jebiet7 wrote

" one knows who they were, or...what they were doing...but their legacy remains, hewn into the living rock of Stonehenge..."


secretbison t1_jed784e wrote

If it's true, then England has joined every other country in the list of countries England has stolen artifacts from.


MerelyMortalModeling t1_jefhx6d wrote

Did I?

To answer that, no, I didn't. But after seeing this, i did a 5-second google survey and found articles stating this study " debunked" and "proved." The article linked here uses the word "shown," and you have to get 4 paragraphs in before words like "proposed" get used.

So while i didn't make that jump other people did

And to be clear, I dont support the author they are going after in any way. The notion that northwest europeans in Britian communicated enough with Eastern Mediterranean cultures (Egyptians) to obtain, understand, and utilize their calendar system in 2500 bce is sort of silly.