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Tahoeclown t1_jefxzd1 wrote

If anyone has a contact about who I might ask about this rock I found in Lake Michigan Id appreciate it


skidoodlemenoodle t1_jeg864x wrote

It looks like you received answers on your original post but just didn't like them.


Tahoeclown t1_jegh4e1 wrote

Like them? Im simply looking for an actual expert(s) not random comments from the internet. I think most those answers are plausible.


skidoodlemenoodle t1_jegj35f wrote

You received multiple answers from archaeologists. You could DM them to follow up and verify.


Electrical_Skirt21 t1_jegkav0 wrote

I mean, I wouldn’t just take a reddit comment’s word for it, even if they did say they were a geologist. There’s value in meeting someone face to face or having an offline conversation with them. Reddit is a fine place to start, but that’s about it


skidoodlemenoodle t1_jegkhhh wrote

Totally agree. Hence the "Dm them to follow up and verify"


Electrical_Skirt21 t1_jegktsv wrote

I’m sorry, I discounted that because I didn’t think beyond the DM. Like, if you DM them, you are still on reddit… but following up via email or phone as a consequence of the DM didn’t occur to me until you responded


Bremelos t1_jegyvjp wrote

You solicited random comments on the internet and that's what ya got. I'd email a museum or university for a specific person's opinion, not post to Reddit


tomwhoiscontrary t1_jegr7fy wrote

Ignore the haters, that's obviously cuneiform, a child can see that.


DoctFaustus t1_jeg8bke wrote

The foremost expert on geology in that area is Dr. Bill Cannon from the US Geological Survey.


_HighJack_ t1_jegdmx0 wrote

I would take that to state college geology or archaeology department and try to catch a professor’s office hours!


Tahoeclown t1_jeghcrn wrote

Ive emailed a number of them. Either no answer or they just say they cant help. Guess I could try a visit.


true_to_my_spirit t1_jeg5rb6 wrote

Hmm contact a local museum or university professor?


Tahoeclown t1_jeggxvj wrote

Ive done several. Either no response or they say they cant help 🤷🏼‍♂️