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DaBoskie t1_it0j4un wrote

I have a son named Happy, born 7 days before my Nephew's son Felix. They're best friends. We had no idea they meant the same thing until now. Thank you!


_PM_ME_PANGOLINS_ t1_it1zdjj wrote

Felix is more “lucky” than “happy”.


BentPin t1_it2aszy wrote

Like Felice Navidad in Spanish? In that case happy seems more fitting.


_PM_ME_PANGOLINS_ t1_it2ccu1 wrote

Spanish and Latin are different languages.

If you mean "cheerful, jolly", then the Latin is laetus.
If you mean "lucky, fortunate", then the Latin is felix.
If you mean "blessed, prosperous", then the Latin is beatus.
If you mean "rejoicing, celebrating" then the Latin is gaudiam.