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UrTheReasonBidenWon t1_itg8b41 wrote

Only tangentially related, but if you like Korean history and zombie stuff, you should check out Kingdom on Netflix. It’s set in 1500s Korea. The Korean king has only one son who he had with a concubine, so that son is the heir but as a bastard it is a tenuous position. The king’s wife is pregnant though, so while his adult son is currently the heir, the new child may replace him as the heir, and the queen’s family is power hungry and wants this very much. But then the king dies before the birth, so the queen’s family comes up with a plan. They know a physician who can turn the king into a zombie. Then they will tell a few witnesses that he is alive but sick until the baby is born so that the baby can become the new heir. But of course it goes wrong and leads to a zombie outbreak across Korea. So it’s a zombie apocalypse before contemporary weaponry with lots of palace intrigue thrown in. Here is a trailer

If you go into the settings on Netflix you can watch it either with subtitles or dubbed.