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VeryOriginalName98 t1_itjlnob wrote

I'm surprised they were able to pick it up for the photos. Archaeologists are good people.


wispymatrias t1_itlexdh wrote

the 'worthy' thing is a marvel-ism! To be true to mythology, to lift it they probably wore the magic irongrippers and girdle to increase their strength many fold!


VeryOriginalName98 t1_itltu9g wrote

I've never heard of this before. Do the girdle and irongrippers have any other unique characteristics? Can ordinary humans wear them? Can I build my own?


Mcdt2 t1_itm29sp wrote

The girdle or belt is named Megingjörð, and it is said to double Thor's strength.

The powers of the gloves Járngreipr aren't as clear, but they are listed next to Megingjörð and Mjölnir was his most important possessions, so they must do something cool. I've heard them being sent the hammer returns to his hand, or that it also doubles his strength - so combined his strength is increased fourfold.


Fleischer444 t1_itpttjj wrote

Neil Geiman has a new book has some fantastic stories of Norse Mythology. It’s also the name of the book. Audible has it as audiobook.