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Girly_Shrieks t1_itjljlz wrote

This is really neat. I want a piece of history like this for myself but I'm no Indy.


VeryOriginalName98 t1_itjlnob wrote

I'm surprised they were able to pick it up for the photos. Archaeologists are good people.


SlothOfDoom t1_itjmryn wrote

> “one of its kind”

Although accurate, that's probably not the phrase they were looking for.


withak30 t1_itjor2u wrote

Norse artifacts found in Sweden! Shocking!


Floedekage t1_itjtpk3 wrote

Controversial, but it very much resemble all the cheap ones you can buy at any odd stall or fast-fashion jewelry chain.

Edit: alright, I might have formulated what I wanted to say in a terrible way. u/BoredCop I think understood exactly what I meant. I was surprised that the shape was so spot on to what the "cliché/cheap" looks like. I didn't know there had already been discovered other in the same style. 👍


higher_than_high t1_itjtwfe wrote

Nice. 1 down and 27 to go to finish this collectible and move on to new side quests.


ncc74656m t1_itjuva6 wrote

This is not the sub I thought it was gonna be in when I saw the headline, lol. /stargate came to mind first.


MeatballDom t1_itjwqd6 wrote

Not my area so I'm going based on a quick search and am happy to be corrected by someone more knowledgeable in the field, but looking at this article it says >"Peter Pentz forklarer, at der kendes omtrent 1000 af de små torshammere fra vikingetiden

rough and quick translation:

>Peter Pentz explains that there are around 1000 known examples of the small (amulet) Thor's hammers from the Viking Ages.

And while I imagine he was pulling a number from estimation rather than something precise, that does seem fairly small for a time period with such association with this, and if that number is correct it is a pretty awesome find to build the collection


BoredCop t1_itk0r7c wrote

Because this isn't the first one found, yes. The cheap, easily available ones are more or less based on historical designs, so of course there's a resemblance.


spudmarsupial t1_itk4e4b wrote

I keep thinking they look more like the clapper of a bell than a hammer.


DMPunk t1_itkft3k wrote

I missed the word amulet in the title and got really excited for a second


shumoco t1_itkqhsj wrote

“We found the seventh symbol! Quick, dial Earth, Jackson!”


Predditor-Drone t1_itktmgc wrote

>But mythological figures usually possess no physical artefacts, them being mythical and all...

Do... do you think this article is about archaeologists finding an amulet they say belonged to the god of thunder? Because it's just a symbol that humans made. It didn't literally belong to Thor.


Jaijoles t1_itkwdpx wrote

That’s the phrase that was used though. If you go through to the original article they said

“This one is this far the only one of its kind in Halland”.

The secondary article made it sound worse by leaving of the other words.


Predditor-Drone t1_itl0g9e wrote

Man, wait til you find out about Odin’s horn, Apollo’s chariot, and all the other symbols that exist in art that didn’t actually belong to the thing they’re named after.

Things I never thought I would have to explain to an adult.


hdhdhgfyfhfhrb t1_itlxsa6 wrote

Competitors on Forged in Fire nod in approval


onewingedangel3 t1_itm0jom wrote

Most McDonald's aren't owned by a guy named McDonald, but are named and designed after a restaurant owned by a guy named McDonald. In the same way, this amulet wasn't owned by Thor, but was named and designed after a hammer that was supposedly owned by Thor.


Mcdt2 t1_itm29sp wrote

The girdle or belt is named Megingjörð, and it is said to double Thor's strength.

The powers of the gloves Járngreipr aren't as clear, but they are listed next to Megingjörð and Mjölnir was his most important possessions, so they must do something cool. I've heard them being sent the hammer returns to his hand, or that it also doubles his strength - so combined his strength is increased fourfold.


jdmcroberts t1_itm4hej wrote

That looks exactly like the one Ragnar gives Uhtred.


rbajter t1_itmhqjv wrote

Every archaeologist agrees with you. They are too few and don’t have enough money. They mostly do surveys before construction is started in a new area, which is payed for by the construction company.


Silveri50 t1_itmls6x wrote

Was it in Lagerthas body?


bad_at_hearthstone t1_itmufyi wrote

Wow, cast in lead. Not what I’d want to wear around my neck.


IndigoSkyfall t1_itmyues wrote

I wonder if they thought it was as cool as we do.


elementhos t1_itnhxya wrote

Forged in Valhalla by the hammer of Thor


ponch1620 t1_itnnhva wrote

Was an amulet of Talos from Skyrim inspired by that design?


Universalsupporter t1_itnodxx wrote

I’m always on the lookout for small rulers and measuring tapes out in nature. I feel these things are always found right beside one.


SeleucusNikator1 t1_itqfgy9 wrote

I wonder how old something has to be in order to be classified as a cultural relic owned by the state. How do you draw the line between "family heirloom great-grandpa gave me" and "artefact"?