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Animal_Courier t1_iuek6en wrote

Lawrence even felt betrayed during the war based on what I’ve read, and choose to continue fighting for the Brits knowing damned well what that meant.

It was still the better of two options.


PicardTangoAlpha t1_iufoufi wrote

Gee, you saw the film too.


deepaksn t1_iugsq39 wrote

There was a film?


Anderopolis t1_iuh2jqh wrote

A 3 hour long Mastodont of a slow burn that will leave you wondering just how many recordings of dustdevils are necessary to understand that arabia is a desert.


[deleted] t1_iuf3e3b wrote



RuskiLeader t1_iufbl0r wrote

TE Lawrence and the Arab revolts were during the First World War which gave us the messed up Middle Eastern borders we have today


LukeTheNoob t1_iufaynq wrote

Wrong world war.

Also the fact that the Arab states were up for grabs by whatever army controlled them when the war ended is kind of the point here. It was the British (and French) army that grabbed them.


BigWuffleton t1_iugb3nz wrote

That's not at all how the peace process worked in the middle east after World War 2, they were mostly all British or French colonies and that didn't change after the peace treaties were signed.

Hell the Soviets had their army kicked out of Iran purely with diplomatic pressure, it wasn't so cut and dry as "wherever my armies are will be my puppets now"