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ufrag t1_ivs9mie wrote

I like the theory of it working as a memory device, sort of as a pilgrimage that you walk on to remember certain information.

If I recall then, when you start walking it, you just start and you never have to make any turns or cross other people, so there is just a set beginning you start on and everyone just follows the line.


herbivorousanimist t1_ivsx3px wrote

The Australian Aboriginals did just that. Entire dream time stories would be told by walking through the landscape, some stories taking days and weeks to tell as they walked through the territories of their tribe, with the country and landmarks marking the points of the stories.


Initial_E t1_ivt2t5m wrote

Regardless of what they intended it to be, it has become a time capsule, an enduring message from dead civilizations to the future. “We existed. This is proof!”