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812many t1_iw023mx wrote

I swear, if Geraldo Rivera shows up with a camera crew to open some door again…

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…. Ya can’t get fooled again!


slippycaff t1_iw02xeq wrote

That dubya quote always cracks me up.


Climbtrees47 t1_iw08jo1 wrote

I read somewhere (and this is just conjecture) that GW realized he was about to say "shame on me" and decided that it wouldn't sound very good when taken out of context. Because it would 100% be taken out of context and used against him.


supermodelnosejob t1_iw0elol wrote

You know, I could honestly believe this. The man was by no means smart, but he was very clever


812many t1_iw07c6b wrote

Apparently a president that actually is aware of what words are coming out of his mouth is rarer than I thought. Gotta give credit for that smooth recovery.


dmingledorff t1_iw1ajlo wrote

I always got the feeling that he was intelligent, but just not really good at the politics. I kinda got the feeling he was doing what he was told. Of course I could be entirely wrong.