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Juicy_pompoms t1_ix6gqq2 wrote

He seems to have something against archaeologists and uses a lot of time to tell so on this so called documentary.

I could only watch 1,5 episodes before giving up. It's crap.


STFUandRTFM t1_ix6s18a wrote

i watched all 8 and found it fascinating. that video series had some great camera angles, stunning shots, and in all honesty i didn't know some of those places existed. that series sent me on a wikipedia reading expedition.

from episode one i suspected this would be conspiracy theory fodder much like "The Pyramid Code" but it gave me an opportunity to really learn about some places around the world i was unaware of once i started reading about these places.

all i had to do was put up with his narrative for a few hours. lol


degotoga t1_ix6swl8 wrote

it's really just a shame that they gave him a platform instead of finding an actual archeologist or historian

it's not like his narrative is what makes those places interesting


STFUandRTFM t1_ix6tw3m wrote

that's so true. i would have much preferred an actual documentary. but then again i watched and enjoyed the Weird Al Yankovich movie as well ..... so that tells alot about me i suppose....


whatsmyphageagain t1_ix771vq wrote

I thought the narrative was great. Then again I love yelling invective at trashy TV personalities to make me feel smart
