rookieseaman t1_ix6s7kb wrote
Reply to comment by Kaminosai in An archaeologist's rebuttal against Graham Hancock and Netflix's Ancient Apocalypse by MeatballDom
I’d argue it means before Sumer personally since that’s when written records can first be established.
degotoga t1_ix6t1aq wrote
it's generally accepted to be a regional term. prehistory in mesopotamia is not the same as prehistory in europe
rookieseaman t1_ix6u4er wrote
Meh. Prehistory is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as the period of time before the use of writing. There was no writing before ancient Sumer, thus, anything before ancient Sumer is prehistory, regardless of where you are.
degotoga t1_ix72cdj wrote
the development of writing in sumer is irrelevant to someone studying the history of europe
rookieseaman t1_ix72z56 wrote
Okay? The prehistory of humanity begins at Sumer, by definition. Dunno what that has to do with studying history in Europe but okay.
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