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GreatWizardGreyfarn t1_ixivm1u wrote

Hi all! I’m really getting into naval history, specifically in the Napoleonic Era but anything about the Age of Sail really! I’ll take any non fiction recommendations, but I’m always interested in lesser known stories.


elmonoenano t1_ixj740v wrote

Have you checked out N. A. M. Rodger's stuff? I don't know a lot about the topic but he's written a lot on it, some of it pretty specialized.


bennettdykstra t1_ixlcq46 wrote

Nelson’s Trafalgar: the Battle that Changed the World by Roy Adkins is a great read


nola_throwaway53826 t1_ixwmfb4 wrote

You may find Jack Tar: Life in Nelson's Navy by Lesly and Roy Adkins interesting. It's an interesting look at the life aboard British Naval ships during the Napoleonic era and focuses on the regular seamen instead of the officers.