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Pornalt190425 t1_ixjbxca wrote

To your first point, I alluded to that in the 2nd paragraph. To your second point, which link are you referring to? I did not see anything in the article about aboriginal storytellers unless I missed it


Painting_Agency t1_ixjmeoc wrote

Sorry, for some reason I thought this was linked to in the comment we were threading.

> How could such tales survive hundreds of generations without being written down?

> “There are aspects of storytelling in Australia that involved kin-based responsibilities to tell the stories accurately,” Reid said. That rigor provided “cross-generational scaffolding” that “can keep a story true.”


Pornalt190425 t1_ixkaoi4 wrote

Thanks for sharing that it was an interesting read! I guess with the right cultural carrots and sticks you could trust the story is being more accurately carried down the generations


Painting_Agency t1_ixkhyv4 wrote

The Norse skalds recited their sagas as verse so it was easier to remember them verbatim... But they weren't maintaining that oral tradition checksum for 400 generations 😮