Submitted by Gideonn1021 t3_zgeqjq in history
Maccus_D t1_izk43m3 wrote
Reply to comment by War_Hymn in Conflict in Central Europe leading to Bronze Age Collapse by Gideonn1021
I truly appreciate the greater exploration. I had already read that iron had democratized warfare, due to its proliferation from its advent. Again I appreciate it.
War_Hymn t1_izk5q5y wrote
No doubt, it allowed a larger subset of the population to participate in formal warfare. In the course of the BAC, we went from "palace" militaries made up of a few elite warriors who could afford the more expensive bronze weapons/armor, to militaries based on a larger body of common citizenry or peasant levies. Systems like the Greek polis or Roman Republic probably won't had existed without ironworking technology to produce affordable arms.
Maccus_D t1_izl0qdr wrote
It was also my understanding that Sardinia (Beeker) had advanced mining and metallurgical capabilities. Including Iron at the time. And that they may have been one of the groups that could have made up the sea people.
Also that as the BAC occurred displaced/disaffected peoples formally from these cities would have swelled the ranks of the “Sea People”.
There were a few sunken ships they found that were carrying a kingdoms worth wealth in ingots and would have caused whoever was on the bad side of that deal ruined.
Any thoughts?
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