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scottstots6 t1_j11e6w6 wrote

That ignores some pretty important stuff like the roughly 30% of the German army that was tied down in the west and the annihilation of the Luftwaffe at the hands of British and American pilots and the strategic bombing of German industry. It also ignores the other two major Axis powers but yeah go off with your Soviet-centric view of the war.


andonemoreagain t1_j11r1m3 wrote

If 30% of the army was occupied in the west they would be the 30% sprinting to surrender to the Americans so they could continue to re-establish the fascist order in Western Europe together after the war. It was not a decisive theater of war. No matter how many times you study the documentary saving private ryan.


scottstots6 t1_j11s20c wrote

I don’t know what you are trying to say about post war fascism, pretty clear it never got reestanlished in Europe. Also, the vitriol and ad hominems are unnecessary. I like how you glossed over the Luftwaffe being destroyed by the Western Allies and the other two Axis major powers that were defeated almost entirely by the West. Also the lend lease to the Soviets and the fact that the Soviet started the war by helping Germany invade and conquer countries. If you want to talk about helping fascists look no further than the Soviets. Obviously, the Eastern Front absorbed the bulk of German troops but industrial output by theater is a different matter. And the Soviets couldn’t have done it without the support of the Western Allies.