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BobbaFett2906 t1_j1ilqia wrote

How long is the movie Triumph of the Will? I'm trying to educate myself on the rise of the Nazis and the events leading to the Holocaust and I decided I wanted to see Triumph of the Will (1935), but I encountered a problem. Wikipedia, and many other sources, say the movie is 114 minutes old. However, all of the versions I could find online of the movie are only 104 minutes old. What are the other 10 minutes? Thanks in advance.


theotherkeith t1_j1iu71t wrote

To add to your confusion, IMDB lists it as 1:50.

In general, films do come out in different edited forms. However as a historical document, you would want the earliest release time.

If this question is related to a research paper, cite the primary source(s) you find most authoritative (Wikipedia is a secondary), then footnote that the length is different in other reference materials.


BobbaFett2906 t1_j1j9vn3 wrote

Yeah actually I found a version online that is 1:50 long. It had 2 minutes of extra credits/context and the other 4 minutes of difference I think was in the FPS. Someone suggested to me that even all of the 10 minute difference could be explained by FPS so I am almost at peace now.