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robotical712 t1_j2a90p3 wrote

On the contrary, Italy staying neutral means Austria doesn’t transfer most of its best troops from the east to invade Italy. Thus either the Brusilov offensive doesn’t happen or is blunted. Without Brusilov, Austria isn’t effectively destroyed as a military power, Germany isn’t forced to cancel Verdun to bail them out and Romania doesn’t join the Entente.


Arisdoodlesaurus t1_j2ej9o7 wrote

These arguments are so disingenuous. Its akin to saying if Hitler never moved against the Soviet Union, he would have won World War Two because he had more men. The truth is, Austri Hungary never had the capacity to win any long term war against the entante because they lacked resources and capable commanders. Their empire was at the breaking point and all of Germany’s economic gains since the Prussian unification in 1871 had been totally lost by 1916. Another front just hastened an inevitable defeat