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WyrdHarper t1_j3fxmzk wrote

And a lot that did get preserved just got held in private collections or sent to the Vatican where they’ve been locked away (at least some like the Codex Borgia have been scanned and are now publicly available digitally).


VagueSomething t1_j3g5toq wrote

The Vatican hiding such valuable historical information and artifacts should be considered a crime against humanity.


PiscatorLager t1_j3gnvr4 wrote

Isn't basically everything the Vatican does a crime against humanity?


VagueSomething t1_j3gozal wrote

The list of evil and bad they're involved in is long but people tend to forget about how they're hiding human history that may have vital details to widen our understanding of many things.


spkdanknugs t1_j3gpurt wrote

The Smithsonian and British History Museum do this as well.


taversham t1_j3gy6tq wrote

The British Museum has already digitised and made accessible nearly 4.5 million of the 8 million objects in its collection, and the project is continuing. I don't think that's really hiding it.