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[deleted] t1_j4d41uq wrote

You agree a term commonly used by historians is a good term. Wow what a revelation.


Constant_Count_9497 t1_j4dh98c wrote

I've seen a few passionate people hating the term "Byzantine" but never offering a better name


mangalore-x_x t1_j4kjack wrote

Eastern Roman Empire is widely used by historians and Byzantine less favored today.


[deleted] t1_j4dhrtz wrote

It's a delusional conversation. You're talking about a civilisation long gone in a translated language. If the perspective is what's the most respectful to the actual culture obviously use it's greek or Latin name, Eastern Roman or Byzantine or Roman Empire is irrelevant as they are all incorrect.


Constant_Count_9497 t1_j4dnn0q wrote

It makes sense from the context that Byzantium was a small Roman city that Constantine turned into the cultural center of the eastern empire. At least from a chronological evaluation of the empire