Submitted by B0ssc0 t3_11mmadr
Submitted by tta2013 t3_11gr740
Submitted by egg_static5 t3_11jzjsb
Submitted by creemetismami t3_11h4wog
Submitted by Hiversitize t3_11g229t
Submitted by Magister_Xehanort t3_11g02yo
Submitted by egg_static5 t3_11flnae
Submitted by clearlyzoned t3_11fa2ob
Submitted by Rifletree t3_11eunsz
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_11bkh5p
Submitted by Rifletree t3_11bkz7e
Submitted by Yazan_Research t3_119pkjh
Submitted by spark8000 t3_11cozeq
Submitted by pier4r t3_113rfzv
In 1942, the U.S. forcibly evacuated 881 Unangax̂ (Aleut / Native Alaskans) from the Island of Atka, near Russia. Many watched as their homes and Churches were burned to keep the Japanese from getting them. In spite this, they remained patriotic and many enlisted in the U.S. Military.
nps.govSubmitted by triviafrenzy t3_10y9vr9
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_118wdld