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TheDisheveledOneB974 t1_ja3wq2l wrote

I expected the Dynamic Island to be my favorite feature and generally it was the thing I was most excited about. My favorite part about it is when Maps navigation shows details like ".2 miles turn left". Other than that I forget it's there these days. Also, Apple has seemingly made ZERO effort to improve or expand upon it's functionality, 5 months in. I feel like there's a chance that the Dynamic Island will even just fade into obscurity soon.

The feature I expected would give me no use and the one I was least excited about turned out to be my favorite: All Hail The Always On Display 🙂 It might seem trivial or obvious, but this feature changed a lot about my relationship with my phone.

Hard to explain, and everyone has different use cases, but for me, always on display along with pro-motion are what make this phone feel different than my last phone.