Submitted by arooni t3_11dgqpj in iphone

The only way I can figure out how to do this is ask my contacts to:

  1. Create a new contact for me "Arooni's iPhones"
  2. Set the only piece of contact info to be my apple id email address
  3. Call me there, and not on my phone number.
  4. If they call me on this new contact, it will ring both iPhones simultaneously, otherwise, only the one with the active sim card will ring.

Is there a better way?



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jw154j t1_ja8syl2 wrote

Do you have calling on other devices turned in your iPhone settings? It should be ringing on both devices simultaneously. It does on my iPhone 8, iPad Pro, and Mac, when I get a call on my iPhone XS. FaceTime settings on your non-SIM phone has to show that your number is checked also.


kremenatlc t1_ja93q5h wrote

I can't answer that, since I only have my first ever iPhone for about two weeks now. But I do have a question about the FaceTime (sorry for hijacking your post). How does it work? Will it use my carrier's plan, or does it work via WiFi (I don't have much GB and minutes each month, and it would be nice if it doesn't use those).



p4r41v4l t1_ja96m15 wrote

FaceTime exclusively uses Data, either WiFi or Mobile Dataplans, the Minutes aren’t affected but your data is.


kremenatlc t1_ja970q9 wrote

Thank you! I feel like my grandma felt when she thought taking pictures with her phone would spend her money on her prepaid plan. :D


p4r41v4l t1_ja97hry wrote

Not a problem at all. Have been a Long time Android user (like 2.2 Gingerbread Times) up 'til the release of the iPhone 12 series, that’s when i bought my first iPhone, a used Xr, now i‘m using a 14 (no, not Pro) and love it. Never going back to android. Also it’s a slight learning curve when switching from Android, especially that literally everything is seamless, something i was not used to from android.


kremenatlc t1_ja98wzd wrote

I agree. It was quite a switch (in a good way). Everything just works, I always liked to modify things on the phone. However, now I just like for a phone to work, which honestly iPhone is the only one to do that.

I was on Android pretty much from the beginning (my first android phone was probably around 2.2 also), before that I've had two or three touch phones (Nokia with symbian OS and LG Cookie, that had some kind of an OS as well) and way before that my first was a small Sony Ericsson. A long way we've come in the last 20-30 years.


p4r41v4l t1_ja99ami wrote

Oh defo we‘ve come a long long way. I remember the good old Nokia times, indestructible and cheap, but oh well, i‘d never go back to be honest. Yeah i was a tinkerer myself, like custom roms when the OEM didn’t update anymore and stuff, but now with the iPhone it just works, and the updates just keep coming until you‘ll upgrade either way.


kremenatlc t1_ja9c4ez wrote

Oh yeah me neither, I'm too much of a slave to my phone. Most of my work is done from it (and not in an influencer or whatnot kind of way xD). Exactly! I don't have the time nor the nerves to go over all that every single time :D