RonSwazy OP t1_ja1myu6 wrote
It is turned on by default after updating.
You can change this setting under Settings > Battery > Battery Health & Charging.
Diastolic t1_ja2b0kt wrote
Fully updated, I don’t even have this has a option. So it may only affect certain geographical areas.
RandomUser132621 t1_ja2iab4 wrote does it know its clean energy???
Largerer t1_ja2iq7i wrote
No idea how ios can determine the original source of your energy.
_Attilio t1_ja2j2oz wrote
US only feature
[deleted] t1_ja2lz8k wrote
djhorn18 t1_ja2nvca wrote
Its not necessarily things like solar/wind. Its just when the plant forcasts that its carbon output is going to be lower - probably due to lower overall usage or something.
When you have this option enabled, your phone uses your GPS location to pull data from your local energy generator about their predicted carbon outputs over the next X hours - and uses that information + its ML about your charging habits to determine when it should charge your device.
I don’t know if this information apple pulls is publicly available or not.
Heres the learn more section that appears on your phone near the setting.
Ok_Good3255 t1_ja2p9hv wrote
That’s the first thing I turned off in iOS 16.1.
ToffeeCoffee t1_ja2qavp wrote
I'm all for saving the planet, but of all the dumb things ... this is pretty dumb.
Generally when you plug in to charge your phone, you NEED to charge your phone.
Space12892 t1_ja2qnht wrote
US only :( I also don’t have this option Edit: I’m in Poland
mmcdermid t1_ja2ugz6 wrote
If my calculations are right (I’ve been wrong before) - It costs about $0.004 to fully charge an iPhone - isn’t this just greenwashing?
Lambor14 t1_ja2v4q0 wrote
LastOf718 t1_ja2xe34 wrote
It’s on but has never been engaged. Gonna leave it on because of that.
Basmatireis t1_ja307e6 wrote
Multiply that by the amount of active smartphones in the world…
mdroz81 t1_ja323lh wrote
I don’t recall being charged less for the ‘clean’ electricity
blubluebleu t1_ja32sjw wrote
Mine charged this way last night. It happens once in a while, but not very often. It’s shows a notification that clean-optimized charging is being used.
-K9V t1_ja33zjx wrote
I hate when Apple adds new settings and enables them by default without any warning or notification about it. Like when they added optimized charging to AirPods, it was extremely annoying that my AirPods would only charge to 80% before I picked them up and left. No information or warning about this setting being enabled automatically, or even that they had added such a setting. Fortunately, I don’t have this “clean energy charging” setting on my phone.
Why’d this get downvoted lol? It’s pretty normal to not like unannounced changes on your personal device.
gnomegustaelagua t1_ja34fpj wrote
Yep, I got burned by this “feature” last week when I needed to charge my phone in the late evening. I walked away and didn’t notice til an hour later that it basically hadn’t charged at all.
ExternalUserError t1_ja35g8m wrote
It shows up for me in Portugal.
coopnjaxdad t1_ja371lf wrote
Oh no! Who cares.
BigSadOof t1_ja37uor wrote
My guess would be that the extra power needed to power the phone to make the calculations is greater than the amount of CO2 that is saved from being thrown into the atmosphere
bobrobor t1_ja396ob wrote
It doesnt. First thing I disabled after the update.
Happy_Traveller_2023 t1_ja39bjb wrote
Not for me in Canada
snowace56 t1_ja3dlfk wrote
Literally all this does is limit charging during the day. The iPhone doesn’t know if your home is running solar or not. It doesn’t know if your iPhone is charging in your Tesla. No matter what, energy takes resources. The US grid is predominantly coal so this really does nothing. I turned it off immediately. When I need juice in my phone I need it immediately
lukaszzzzzzz t1_ja3dzea wrote
Not a significant difference to grid system, but may raise awareness on when to use home appliances to consume more green energy
FlaaffyPink t1_ja3ew9c wrote
It says “during times of cleaner energy production.” That seems to imply that the production of the energy is cleaner, meaning it’s cleaner on a per-unit basis, not that the total emissions of the grid are lower. This might just be highly misleading language. I would like to see clarification from Apple.
Holiday_Beautiful_92 t1_ja3ezfw wrote
I am on iOS 16.3 and have these turned on. Noticed that my mobile always notify me that it will fully charge around 1:00a. I live in Illinois…
CraziestPenguin t1_ja3ezuj wrote
This is the dumbest feature in the history of the iPhone.
_masterhand t1_ja3fc8g wrote
I vow to not emit tons of carbon emissions by creating coal power plants or contaminating the ocean with petroleum in the Gulf of Mexico.
This "people need to reduce their carbon emissions" is the worst astroturf I've seen from massive corpos that dump chemicals to rivers and pollute the environment.
MVPizzle t1_ja3foqf wrote
This option only charges slower during 1am-5am. The faux outrage here is actually hilarious
[deleted] t1_ja3fq5k wrote
paulstelian97 t1_ja3fu6b wrote
Not present in Romania.
paulstelian97 t1_ja3fxo6 wrote
Someone commented that they've got the feature in Portugal too. But the feature is geolocked and quite restricted still.
lukaszzzzzzz t1_ja3lgge wrote
If any company can just dump the oil to the ocean, why there’s so many green energy sources, more than ever? The industry sector consumes around 1/3 of overall energy, where did the rest go? If people demand more green energy and consume it whenever there’s enough supply (or more, e.g. In a windy day) of it in the grid system, then we can solve the problem of expensive power banks.
newecreator t1_ja3m7yv wrote
My iPhone 14 charges normally even though this is turned on. Maybe my area uses renewables but I'm not sure.
stevejobs7 t1_ja3omo4 wrote
What the hell does that even mean😭
stevejobs7 t1_ja3oyhh wrote
How do you know
stevejobs7 t1_ja3p5k7 wrote
Can somebody contact apple, see if they clarify?
phulton t1_ja3pom8 wrote
I’m on hydro electric, I’m pretty sure it’s always green but I could be wrong.
Robertbnyc t1_ja3px6a wrote
Can confirm, NYC has it
techris t1_ja3ql5j wrote
This seems backwards if it’s 1-5am. That’s when there’s usually excess energy on the grid and when you DO want to charge things.
Colonel_Sandman t1_ja3qq47 wrote
I bet this was all Bono’s idea, like that free U2 album.
cristalisboringg t1_ja3qrdp wrote
Hmm. I don’t have that.. I’m on iOS 16.3.1 and in NYC , is that only for iOS 16.1?
Robertbnyc t1_ja3qu8i wrote
Here is the info on it
Robertbnyc t1_ja3qzye wrote
Keep your business clean
Robertbnyc t1_ja3r3br wrote
Maybe it’s their way of an 8 year old commenting that they don’t like the feature lmao
Robertbnyc t1_ja3r7zi wrote
Ah thanks I didn’t know.
WhopperTopper143 t1_ja3u4u0 wrote
So dumb especially since there's other things Apple could that could help the environment like switch over to USB-C.
somegummybears t1_ja3u4xi wrote
For a company as large as Apple, this would make a measurable difference. Of course, it’s not going to solve climate change or whatever.
JohnnyRebe1 t1_ja3u72c wrote
An iPhone charging feature that 90% of people don’t even know exists, is not going to raise awareness of anything.
ubiquitouskjz t1_ja3ujs6 wrote
It's based off your personal usage according to Apple.
_masterhand t1_ja3uvua wrote
BP did dump oil to the Gulf of Mexico. Green energy sources have to do nothing with it. You jumped from contamination to power grid taln when nobody was talking about that.
RamunePOPtookmyname t1_ja3vhvf wrote
I’m a little slow, but how does this actually work? Like when I plug it in an outlet, how does it know when solar or wind energy is being used or available? Modern technology blows my mind man.
lolz_lmaos t1_ja3vwfu wrote
How does the iPhone now where the electricity that's ised to charge it coming from?
RapNVideoGames t1_ja3w5sx wrote
But my phone isn’t charging quick even though I’m usually by a charger
buffalo09LT t1_ja3wr0h wrote
US here. Mine was “off” by default after update.
Bacon-80 t1_ja3x6hr wrote
iPhone 15 should have usbc coming to it in sept btw
Bacon-80 t1_ja3xd41 wrote
I’m also running 16.3.1 in SEA - maybe it’s location based?
Bacon-80 t1_ja3xip1 wrote
It must have something to do with a combination of your location (background location services/gps + the date/time settings for your phone) and whatever energy grid info it can pull to make an educated guess for electricity in your area 🤷🏻♀️
Not sure entirely how it works but that’s my guess 😅
fuckYOUswan t1_ja3y8fm wrote
US here, mine was on after the update.
[deleted] t1_ja3ye61 wrote
IcyAnything8396 t1_ja3z87q wrote
But it’s only even available in a few select countries, so what difference is it really making?
Edit: Basically just the US….
Thebiggestbot22 t1_ja3zqre wrote
Can confirm too, Albany has it
[deleted] t1_ja40fe2 wrote
WhopperTopper143 t1_ja40i0x wrote
Yeah only because they were forced to not because they're doing it for the good of the environment. They should've implemented USB-C years ago.
stevejobs7 t1_ja411kn wrote
im pretty sure theyre like atleast 25 theyre probably not good with english😭
Organic-Barnacle-941 t1_ja43fs7 wrote
Not too difficult. There’s ways to trace where exactly your power is coming from.
digbug0 t1_ja44ntw wrote
Richmond, Virginia has it as well
Feeling-Orange3229 t1_ja459hl wrote
Also certain iPhone models as well
cheese5tick t1_ja45a7u wrote
I’ve this in Austria too! 🇦🇹
kushmaester t1_ja45axm wrote
So since I live in Kentucky my phone will never charge, right? /s
BlackMailerWagen t1_ja45mok wrote
>I’m in Poland
Wouldn't really make a difference considering how much of the Polish grid is powered by coal
Literary_Lava t1_ja45ocb wrote
How would it know where the power is coming from ? The socket is the same right ?
BlackMailerWagen t1_ja45un2 wrote
I've just been doing this manually for my phone and laptop. I charge during the day at home when our solar panels are producing electricity, and I refrain from charging at night when most of the grid is powered by gas.
Bacon-80 t1_ja45zvw wrote
They know their market & things that make people mass switch for their new stuff. Maybe someone with an 8 has been holding off to upgrade but will upgrade to a 15 be where of usbc, along with the audience that already upgrades every year or every other year. By staggering out features with an already dedicated customer base, they maintain growth & attract new customers who switch because “Apple adapted xyz feature that was keeping me away from their devices”.
It’s about audience churning for the business and so far they’ve been keeping a steady growth. Also how would usbc help the environment? Is it more eco friendly or something? (If so, I’m unaware of that)
Everyone with androids wants like an award or something for having a phone that already had usbc but the thing is - whenever Apple does something it makes bigger news. Samsung has a keynote but it’s not nearly as popular as apples.
D_is_for_Dante t1_ja47niv wrote
Since most people charge their phones over night it doesn’t hurt them if it charged only when clean energy is available.
Would be more interesting to compare that to the additional data transfer caused by the feature.
SatanLifeProTips t1_ja47oh5 wrote
Shows up for me in BC. But we are over 96% green power so it would never work anyways.
drive2fast t1_ja47z6e wrote
I remember someone did the math on a windows update that caused computers to use like 0.1-0.5% more power and America basically had to do the equivalent of adding another nuclear power plant to handle that extra power.
Little things add up.
IcyAnything8396 t1_ja49meo wrote
It doesn’t hurt, no. But it isn’t really doing/saving that much when it’s only available in one region, and some in this thread have even mentioned it being disabled by default.
There are many other, (better), things Apple could do if they really cared about the environment, but I think we all know that.
bigsmallhands t1_ja4a5ls wrote
WhopperTopper143 t1_ja4ai63 wrote
Creating less waste. That way people don't have to use two cables. Even other apple products use USB-C. Also why you writing essays simping for a billion dollar company. It's not an Android vs Apple thing. USB-C would be a consumer friendly move having all devices use the same port and also creating less waste.
[deleted] t1_ja4bko9 wrote
It looks like an account that was recently bought. Prior to yesterday, it wasn’t used for almost 3 years. I would recommend reporting it for spam.
Bacon-80 t1_ja4brg2 wrote
It’s not simping lol it’s facts. You said you don’t know why they didn’t switch sooner and I’m telling you it’s cuz of business and profit 😅
Have you even met the US? It’s a crazy over-consumption market.
Robertbnyc t1_ja4c8o9 wrote
No one’s buying an account with 125 post and 47 karma lol
[deleted] t1_ja4cds4 wrote
It’s not about the karma, it’s about the account age. Karma is easy to get.
tobleroneeater03 t1_ja4cj7a wrote
abfm90 t1_ja4cwez wrote
Hmm not for me
ExternalUserError t1_ja4ddcx wrote
Algarve at the moment.
It's an American-bought iPhone, so maybe that has something to do with it. 🤷♂️
Idontmatter69420 t1_ja4ezd4 wrote
Uk doesn't show
[deleted] t1_ja4l45g wrote
zan94 t1_ja4l6rv wrote
Have it in Macedonia
BarcaLad9 t1_ja4m3z1 wrote
Does it really make that difference? iPhone uses about 1 kwh to power up for a whole year. To put that into perspective, that’s the amount of electricity you’d need to power ten 100-watt incandescent lightbulbs for an hour.
This is purely a PR move. Might as well have made it a dummy button and no one would’ve batted an eye.
Edit: power up 1 year = fully drain the battery and re-charge it everyday.
stop_lying_good_god t1_ja4mimi wrote
The electricity carries that information within it.
Crazy right?
Basically, when you generate electricity thru solar or wind, the electricity carries some extra pizazz with it.
BarcaLad9 t1_ja4msid wrote
One guy driving back to McDonalds cuz they forget their fries would basically emit all of the CO2 saved by this initiative. If not more. iPhones literally require 1 kwh to be recharged fully everyday for a whole year.
Dfndr612 t1_ja4sslb wrote
In the US for me it is a thing, however for newer model iPhones iOS 10 or newer.
Older phones even with the latest update (16.3.1) don’t seem to have it.
Diastolic t1_ja4sy9d wrote
That makes sense as I have an iPhone 13 Pro outside the states.
Sweaty-Toes5 t1_ja4tgxc wrote
Alright here’s my question. How does it know when clean energy is being used? It’s not like the outlet tells the phone what source the power is coming from…
Sweaty-Toes5 t1_ja4tica wrote
Alright here’s my question. How does it know when clean energy is being used? It’s not like the outlet tells the phone what source the power is coming from…
Robertbnyc t1_ja4uluk wrote
Oh wow I didn’t think about that. Thanks for letting me know and I’m sorry I was wrong.
cedarpangolin t1_ja4vqnb wrote
It probably is a dummy button
CrippleSlap t1_ja4w1hm wrote
>Shows up for me in BC.
WTF? I'm in Coquitlam and don't have that option.
tobleroneeater03 t1_ja4xduk wrote
as a portuguese person, can you go to an apple store in the us and buy an iphone, and use it normally in portugal? like one that was bought from here?
SatanLifeProTips t1_ja4xfzw wrote
Richmond has higher expectations I guess.
MetalHivemind t1_ja5083s wrote
username checks out
SmokeyFrank t1_ja512uj wrote
I’m seeing it on an 8Plus. And I see it’s turned on by default.
CrippleSlap t1_ja537s4 wrote
What model phone do you have?
Kooky_Country_2413 t1_ja55252 wrote
I’m in surrey and don’t got this
PM_CTD t1_ja58fiy wrote
A base iPhone 14 is 3,279 mAh. At 120V that's 393.48Wh. National average cost of electricity per kWh is $0.16, so charging an iPhone costs about $0.06. Apple doesn't publish exact sale figures, but we can assume sales at least matched the iPhone 13, take away 10 million because the iPhone 14 is newer, assume about 40% of that is US, and you get about 13 million iPhone 14s in the US.
Theoretically, this saves ~$2,080,000 of energy in the US alone. Factor in other phones and other markets, it can easily save significantly more. Obviously, this is still a drop in the bucket compared to total energy use, but it isn't as insignificant as you might think.
Edit: See replies, did the math wrong. It saves ~$26,00 per day.
SatanLifeProTips t1_ja594wp wrote
20InMyHead t1_ja59g74 wrote
From Apples site about it…
> your iPhone gets a forecast of the carbon emissions in your local energy grid and uses it to charge your iPhone during times of cleaner energy production.
However since it’s based on the gird, if you have solar on your home like I do, it seems like it would be less useful.
Unleaked t1_ja5b864 wrote
you probably have your phone region set to usa
RandomUser132621 t1_ja5bf1x wrote
As far as i know the grid electric companies one,that all share.So distinguishing where the electricities comes from,for each individual power provider is basically impossible.
ExternalUserError t1_ja5c57g wrote
Yup. Works great. As of the iPhone 14, the US models are eSIM-only though.
Some years there are also differences in frequency bands the radios can operate on. It often depends on the year, but if they can’t design an antenna/radio system that supports every frequency in common use, they’ll offer phones with antenna/radio systems best suited to specific markets.
Even when your device can’t use every local frequency band though, it almost always still works well generally. My 13 Pro Max gets LTE or 5G almost everywhere here. Does it support every frequency that Portuguese carriers use? That I don’t know.
SatanLifeProTips t1_ja5d4zh wrote
Nope. Canuckistan.
AdAdventurous9838 t1_ja5dmry wrote
I guess mine will never charge then since my power comes from nuclear.
boldiloks t1_ja5eld5 wrote
F*ck that!
fucklawyers t1_ja5g0mb wrote
What? I have a 14 Pro, I’m using a regular SIM.
Lunky7711 t1_ja5ggca wrote
When billionaires stop flying private and scale down to owning no more than 4 homes and when India and China start complying with national climate agreements then I'll slow down the charging of my battery. Until then [Off].
solinvictus21 t1_ja5gt8a wrote
More like, compare that to the REST of your daily carbon footprint.
4fswmp t1_ja5hsmq wrote
I have it and I turned it off.
4fswmp t1_ja5iboq wrote
FYI, my iPad doesn’t have the setting, but my phones do.
LIVE4MINT t1_ja5k4oy wrote
I think, 5M loss in year if every phone in world will use only green power will be more valuable
hhfugrr3 t1_ja5ll0e wrote
It showed up for me in the UK but wouldn’t turn on. Just looked again and it’s disappeared again. So, I guess it is regional and mine isn’t one.
t171 t1_ja5mbbl wrote
US here. I don’t remember if mine was set to on or off after the update.
RedBirdsFly t1_ja5sjpn wrote
I was wondering why my new phone wasn’t charging as fast. Thank you very much.
Also. I’m getting really tired of having absurdly ridiculous “clean” energy rules forced upon me.
I’m going to start by voting with my money. Next up. Canceling recycling.
awd111980 t1_ja5tbf2 wrote
It's a beautiful day
ej1033 t1_ja5uty5 wrote
How do they even know what was made from clean energy and not?
blkrfl556 t1_ja5xvzt wrote
Thanks for this. It’s off now.
blkrfl556 t1_ja5xz29 wrote
There’s the spirit. I’ll come pick you up in my pre-emissions diesel truck!
a2dam t1_ja63cl4 wrote
This information is publicly available. Here's some info for California, for example:
_Mido t1_ja66yjh wrote
Salami pizazz?
Delicious_One_7887 t1_ja6exfa wrote
Delicious_One_7887 t1_ja6ey4h wrote
Internet (2x)
crazyk4952 t1_ja6gw8j wrote
> A base iPhone 14 is 3,279 mAh. At 120V that’s 393.48Wh.
Nope. There is no way an iPhone battery holds 393 watt hours of electricity.
It’s more like 12.68 watt hours. See:
I’ll let you redo the math. Needless to say the impact is much, much less.
crazyk4952 t1_ja6hifd wrote
Does this mean that my phone won’t charge when connected to my car charger since the electricity was generated using gasoline?
StormDue6579 t1_ja6hlpe wrote
I turned it on. Doing my part to make this a better world. One charge at a time.
PM_CTD t1_ja6n4u2 wrote
You're right, sorry. Redoing the math the impact drops to ~$26,000 saved per day. I wouldn't call it nothing, but you're right about it being much, much less.
ExternalUserError t1_ja6u9yk wrote
Is it a US 14?
beerybeardybear t1_ja6vi0t wrote
They've got these things called "GPSes" that let them know about local energy production. For people with solar panels directly powering their home, they likely know not to use this feature :).
Odd_Imagination_ t1_ja750y6 wrote
So what will happen if you try to charge it without clean energy? Will it charge slowly or won't charge at all?
stepover7 t1_ja75rw0 wrote
I have it in India
msbabc t1_ja76alw wrote
That’s the spirit!
msbabc t1_ja76iew wrote
Apple sold 240 million iPhones in 2021, and much of the world has banned incandescent lightbulbs.
msbabc t1_ja77nhp wrote
100% correct.
Also, it only engages if you have a consistent pattern of charging, eg you charge it overnight every night at roughly the same time.
msbabc t1_ja77t6s wrote
And they literally sell 200,000,000+ per year.
msbabc t1_ja77vak wrote
You’re an ignoramus.
msbabc t1_ja77wpq wrote
If you ever wonder whether Reddit is full of ignorant children…
NeverPostingLurker t1_ja7wsqv wrote
Who is saving this money? Utility companies?
Bay101Casino t1_ja8cs0s wrote
Little things add up.
Learn how to think critically sometimes. Very useful skill.
soulman901 t1_ja96qvd wrote
How is it fake outrage? Apple is now trying to act as an enforcer when it comes to charging our devices. So if my phone drops to 25% due to me needing to use my device and I put it on the charger I expect it to charge. I shouldn’t have to go through hoops to charge my device over some supposed concern about how my electricity was produced. If Apple was really concerned about the environment they would design their products with re-usability and upgradability in mind. Like they used to do before Tim Cook took over. Need more storage or Ram on your MacBook? Too bad buy a new one. This is Hypocrisy.
MVPizzle t1_jaa6hz1 wrote
mishko27 t1_jaans0s wrote
This. I am a progressive as fuck millennial, I’m all for almost anything that helps the planet. But when I am at 40% battery and my phone charges by 3% in an hour before going out, it pisses me off. Just found out about it and turned it off.
MrMaleficent t1_jaec0yr wrote
Your iPhone doesn’t distinguish where the power is coming from right? It just checks your gps?
So if your iPhone is plugged into a car or portable outlet it would just be charging worse with no benefit?
MrMaleficent t1_jaecx3f wrote
That’s not true.
Your iPhone will charge slower depending on when your geographical area's power grid has the most carbon usage. That could be 1-5am, but not necessarily.
Edit: Some research showed most carbon energy is produced during the day, so the situation is the exact opposite of what you're saying. Iphones with this setting will be charging more slowly during the day.
DctrGizmo t1_jaeg97l wrote
I had my iPhone on MagSafe overnight and it didn’t charge at all. Checked my battery setting and it was being charged to around 5% all night long. I turned it off and it’s charging fine now. I hate these dumb environmental claims Apple makes when we can’t repair AirPods.
AutoModerator t1_ja1mfgf wrote
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