You’d think they’d have this figured out bye now! One example is going into a message and looking at the photos you shared. You have to click one by one. And than when you hit delete sometimes it doesn’t delete the photos! And that’s just one example.
SKOLFAN84 OP t1_ja8urzh wrote
That’s the truth. I never use it though.
ilreppans t1_ja8ew4n wrote
> One example is going into a message and looking at the photos you shared. You have to click one by one.
Just touch the name of the person you’re messaging and it will pull up more details, including all the photos shared. From there you can batch select/delete them.
SKOLFAN84 OP t1_ja8up0x wrote
That’s what I was talking about. When I select a bunch of photos to delete it doesn’t delete them all and I have to go back and select them again. It’s sucks. Lol
fedora007 t1_ja6h191 wrote
Because they make good money from iCloud fees