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BackItUpWithLinks t1_ja8mczy wrote

You talk to her and ask.

Use your words.


RadGhostKillz t1_ja8ne0f wrote

Umm she lives in another state…lmao but that’s not what I mean. I mean if she blocked my number would the texts still show up blue and say “delivered”


BackItUpWithLinks t1_ja8nv9u wrote

You know that thing you’re holding? The electronic device that you’re using to send your text-based messages?

There’s also a green icon you can touch to connect with another electronic device and make words come out!


RadGhostKillz t1_ja8q048 wrote

Why are you being toxic? I’m asking for simple help.


BackItUpWithLinks t1_ja8qhl9 wrote

Toxic 🙄

I’m giving you the simple answer. Call and talk to your friend. If she says no problem, good. If she says problem, talk it through.